
struts-validator.tld and validation.xml missing

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  • #242290 Reply



    I created a web project and then added struts cababilities to this project, now I can see the following files are under the /WEB-INF folder:
    1) struts-bean.tld
    2) struts-config.xml
    3) struts-html.tld
    4) struts-logic.tld
    5) struts-nested.tld
    6) struts-template.tld
    7) struts-tiles.tld
    8) validator-rules.xml

    I also expect struts-validator.tld and validation.xml to be added but they are not , is there something wrong? How can I make it happen? Do I need to add both of them manually?

    I am using MyEclipse 4.0.3 GA.

    Any help will be highly apprieciated. 😆

    #242328 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There is no struts-validator.tld file: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/ValidatorJavaScriptTld

    Also the validation.xml file is from the Validation framework here, not part of Struts: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/validator/

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