
struts web app will only work when connected to the internet

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #227232 Reply


    I have MyEclipse 3.8.4
    Build Id 200501171200-3.8.4

    Eclipse 3.0.1
    Build Id 200409161125

    I am using web.xml schema 2.4

    Why can I only get my application to run when “online”?

    I would like to develop my application offline as I cannot always be connected. Is there a possible way to do this?

    Ben Surgison

    #227233 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you referring to XML parsing errors? This is most likely because the XML parser parsing the web.xml file and the struts-config.xml file are trying to remotely resolve the DTDs/Schema you are referencing. I would suggest looking for flags for Tomcat and/or Struts to make them “non validating” so they do not try and load the DTDs/Schema.

    #227249 Reply


    Where do I find these flags exactly?

    #227260 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Tomcat and Struts documentation? Mailing lists? Newsgroups?

    I don’t know, I’ve never used them.

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