
subscription key problem / violation [Closed]

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  • #198370 Reply


    I purchased myEclipseIDE yesterday, installed it on my laptop at work and it worked fine. Then today, I loaded eclipse at home, to receive an error when using the myeclipseide tools :

    SUBSCRIPTION KEY VIOLATION Too many users are using the same subscription key. MyEclipse will now shutdown. The list of IPs using this key have been written to the log and are also listed here :,

    My laptop receives different network configurations from different DHCP servers depending on where I am. If your licensing system uses IP addresses to restrict access, you need to take this into consideration.

    How can I solve this issue ?

    #198377 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I would imagine that either your home machine is multi-homed (two network cards) or is bluetooth enabled and turned on. Please send us an email at support@genuitec.com and we’ll take care of you promptly.

    MyEclipse Support

    #198391 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I checked your account and realized that you’re in Australia so by the time you sent us any information, you’d have to wait another day for a response. In order to avoid this, I’ve sent you an updated license key to your email address of record at MyEclipse.

    MyEclipse Support

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