The MyEclipse Trial actually unlocks all our features, Standard and Pro (and any of the special features particular to an edition), for you to try. After the evaluation period (30 days) we are hoping you have had enough time to determine which level of the product you think would be of help to you (or your team); either the Standard version of Professional version of MyEclipse.
Note that for the special editions of MyEclipse (for example, MyEclipse Blue Edition, MyEclipse For Spring and MyEclipse Bling), there is no distinction between Professional or Standard versions – you get all of the features of the edition if you decide to purchase.
For MyEclipse 2015, and later releases, all editions are unified though some features may be unavailable after the trial period is over, depending on the type of license purchased.
This topic was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by support-tony.