
Suggestion for DB Explorer

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  3. Database Tools (DB Explorer, Hibernate, etc.)
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  • #279396 Reply

    Douglas M Hurst

    I would really like to see an option for DB Explorer similar to the logoff option

    Always exit without a prompt?

    When you open a DB and select Generate->Select Statement, it opens a window with the default select statement. After you’ve executed and want to close the select window, it ALWAYS asks you if you want to save. 99% of the time I don’t and it would be nice if first time you saw “Do you want to save…” that you could check a checkbox and turn that off. You could always save the ones you wanted to save by going to File->Save As…

    I realize this could pose a danger to other types of open windows.

    Doug Hurst
    Springfield, VA

    #279401 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I’ll note your request down. Thank you for your feedback.

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