
Support for Eclipse 3.1.0?

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  • #216053 Reply


    Will myEclipse 3.8.2 work with Eclipse 3.1.0?

    I’m running:
    Version: 3.1.0
    Build id: 200408122000


    #216054 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We don’t test or support the 3.1 milestones, officially. However, several users have reported that 3.8.1 worked just fine, so I’d expect that 3.8.2 does also.

    #216082 Reply


    It seems not. I have 3.8.1 installed fine.. but the installer for 3.8.2 refuses to work as it requires eclipse 3.0.0 or ‘equivilant’?

    Any help getting round this?

    #216084 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can try using the manual install.

    IIRC a few people have problems with 3.1 that went away as soon as they moved to 3.0.1, so I can’t say that it will be smooth sailing for you.

    #216088 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    So we’ll again emphasize that for production work we *highly* recommend 3.0.1, not any of the 3.1 builds. We’ll also not be able to answer any support questions for any 3.1 installations as it’s not a supported and tested configuration.

    #216409 Reply


    setting breakpoints in the 3.1 milestones does not work correctly w/ myeclipse

    #216417 Reply


    structured editors (all) use internal function which changed in 3.1 m2 – eclipse throw exception on close editor

    It is better taht work with 3.0.1


    #217298 Reply


    I was interested in using 3.1 because of its j2se 5 support.

    Cheetah (the 1.5 support plugin/feature) doesn’t support 3.0.1 (best I can tell — it says 3.0.0 is required), so I really can’t figure out how to using the j2SE 5 and MyEclipse at the same time.

    Anybody have any ideas?

    Has anybody manually installed cheetah?


    #217753 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Some users support no problems running Eclipse 3.1 with MyEclipse. It seems to be platform-specific with Windows users fairing better than Linux users, probably due to the fact that most Eclipse development is done on Windows.

    #217757 Reply


    I really appreciate the response.

    Unfortunately I would be one of those Linux users. BTW, I think the MyEclipseIDE has prooven to work excellently under Linux as well :-).

    I haven’t tried the 3.1 with MyEclipse yet, but I could. If you guys would be interested in hearing about the experience let me know. I realize this is not the “supported” way to go, but if you guys are interested in feedback, I would defnitely let you know how it goes.


    #217760 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    We appreicate the offer that is generous of you to set aside time for testing, but right now we are focusing entirely on bug fixes and feature enhancements for MyEclispe. We will focus on the porting effort when Eclipse 3.1 hits RC stage (March/April next year)..

    #217762 Reply


    I am linux user and my error (structured editor exception) isn’t linux specific – SSE use internal
    classes and this classes are shared with all platforms


    #220012 Reply


    The HTML Editor doesn’t open in Eclipse 3.1 M3 — I think it’s a pitty that the 3.1 milestones are not supported.
    I know the argument, that it’s like hunting a running dog but often things don’t work anymore because of small api changes in Eclipse which will have to be solved whether now or in future.

    I think it doesn’t happen so often thate the api changes twice, so that the efforts of a shortterm Bugfix would be lost


    #220029 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I think it doesn’t happen so often thate the api changes twice, so that the efforts of a shortterm Bugfix would be lost

    You know what the worst part is? If you look at what happened when we tried to support 2.x and 3.x at the same time, you’ll see that sometimes we would “fix” something like this, and then the next milestone build of Eclipse would come out, and we’d have to back out the “fix” entirely because the bug in the Eclipse API was fixed and our old code worked and the code didn’t… its things like that which was killing us 🙁

    But I can’t blame the Eclipse team, they do an amazing job and they need a chance to go through breakages to get in the changes they deem necessary. I guess they do such a good job that a lot of people rely on the M-builds as their primary version… that’s a true testament to the teams tallent.

    #220945 Reply


    there is another plugin for eclipse for jdk 1.5, haven’t tried it though (with myEclipse)


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