
SVN(subclipse 1.8) problem.

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  • #344048 Reply

    I migrated projects from myeclipse old version(i think 10.7.1) to myeclipse 2013. After that when i update svn for the migrated projects, .svn folders/files & source files(.java) created in the class file locations(bin or classes folder).

    I have added subclipse 1.8 plugin to myeclipse 2013.

    After that i constantly get the following error in the SVN console.

    svn: E155007: 'XXXX ' is not a working copy

    Also i am getting

    Package has not been initialized please try again later

    , whenever i click

    Install from catalog

    in the



    I have attached error log & configuration file for your reference

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    #344094 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    1. Can you please clarify if you are seeing the issue with ‘Install from Catalog’ after installing the plugin? Can you please check if you see the issue in a new workspace?

    2. If the issue with ‘Install from Catalog’ persists in the new workspace too, please attach the .log file which is located at <workspacedir>/.metadata/.log.

    3. The error log reports missing .svn file. Can you try deleting the local copy of the folder under question and then do an svn update of the parent directly afterwards and see if it fixes the issue?

    4. If the issue persists, let us know at what specific actions you are seeing the svn errors.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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