
switch from & start from ‘desktop’ restarts app

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  • #342154 Reply

    when I press HOME and start app from destop it restarts
    when I resume it from ‘last used apps’ it resumes

    in many apps behaviour is the same (resume)
    is it possible in mobione also?

    #342165 Reply


    I’m not entirely clear on the details of your question. Are you referring to app behavior in the Test Center when switching between apps? Are you referring to how mobione apps behave on a specific mobile platform, e.g., ios, andorid? Please restate your question in more detail if I’m not getting it…

    If you are referring to the Test Center and having apps run in background or suspend/resume, we are working on a replacement for the Test Center in an upcoming version that will provide ability to simulate events such as resume, offline/online, …

    #342170 Reply

    I am reffering behaviour on Android 4.1 device
    after switch out of application
    if I start application from ‘tablet desktop’ app is not resumed, but loading screen displayed

    #342397 Reply

    Hi miloos,

    Thanks for the follow up. In order to learn more about the problem please answer next questions:

    1) What is your device model and OS?
    2) What mobione and cordova version you’re using?
    3) Can you share your project to replicate the issue? send it to support at genuitec dot com. Use title mobione data from miloos. If your project size is bigger than 5MB please use a service such wetransfer.com

    #348468 Reply

    I have new informations about problem:

    I have still (sometimes) the problem:
    – when aplication is running
    – switch to different application
    – after click on application icon on desktop
    – new ‘instance’ of application is started

    I have in application button to switch OFF: navigator.app.exitApp();
    when several ‘instances’ of application is started
    after navigator.app.exitApp();
    – displays ‘closing animation’
    – ‘older’ instance is displayed – each in state in which it was when I left it

    can I somehow detect that application is already running?
    exitApp() in starting should switch app to already running instance

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