
Switch to JSP extremly slow

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  • #302142 Reply



    since I’ve switched to 7.x, activating my JSP pages (switching to) is extremly (read painfully) slow. Every time it takes many seconds at 50% of my Duo CPU (that is, ~100% of one cpu).

    I did not have this problem prior to the upgrade. It seems to me that the IDE is not properly caching something.

    right now, I’m using ME 7.5 on Windows XP. myeclipse.ini :


    #302149 Reply

    Can you give some more information?
    1. What are your installation details? You can get them from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.

    activating my JSP pages (switching to)

    Are you navigating to JSP pages?
    3. What are the number of projects in your workspace?
    4. What is the size of the JSP that you are accessing?

    #302182 Reply


    hi Shalini,

    I posted a reply stating the following, but am not sure what happened to it:
    I got an update to my ME 7.5, and restarted. Clicking on JSP tabs in the editor is snappy now.
    Ironically, the update seemed to be for “team”, which I do not even use!

    #302188 Reply

    Can you please post the above details again?
    Are there any errors in the log file located at workspace dir > .metadata > .log?
    Also, can you switch to a new workspace and check if the issue persists?

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