
Sybase Questions

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  • #261351 Reply


    Is there a way to filter the users that are displayed in a schema? I’m only interested in dbo, but I have to sort through hundreds of users to get to it.

    Also, we execute the ‘set showplan on’ command prior to executing sql. I don’t see anything that will display the results of this command.

    #261352 Reply

    Haris Peco

    lgothard ,

    MyEclipse doesn’t support filter on schema/user (for now).
    ‘set showplan on’ is specific for sybase client (I suppose isql).
    MyEclipse support query plan for Oracle, only.


    #261388 Reply


    Looks like the showplan results are passed back as an SQLWarning. Is there any way to view warnings?


    #261389 Reply

    Haris Peco

    Thank you for link.I have filed request for enhancement and I hope that we will add it soon


    #261390 Reply


    Thank you. Is there a way to track this enhancement? I’m currently evaluatiing this product and this issue and the following post really limits this product for Sybase.


    #261392 Reply

    Haris Peco

    Problem for http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-14761.html is fixed and it will be avaliable in MyEclipse 5.0.3 (in 1-2 weeks)
    I don’t know when we will add your request for ‘showplan’


    #261393 Reply


    Thank you. I look forward to 5.0.3. I like the product, just need it to behave a little nicer with Sybase. If you enable a view for SQLWarning, you’ll also enable other commands like ‘set statistic io on’. So the enhancement will allow more than just showplan.

    #261394 Reply

    Haris Peco

    We can’t use SQLWarning like example from your link, because it use sybase specific method.
    We use only jdbc standard method, because we can’t add some jdbc in distribution.
    However, we will try resolve this issue in other way.


    #261473 Reply


    It doesn’t use any Sybase specific methods to pull back the results of an SQLWarning. I executed the following (left out all the connection details, I think it was making the example confusing) and it worked fine. No sybase specific JDBC calls. If a view was made avialable to display SQLWarnings, which could be beneficial for everyone not just sybase users, then the output could be displayed.

    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    stmt.execute(“set showplan on”);

    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“select * from lkpenv02..LTT_IM18_ITX_PFX”);
    SQLWarning sqw = stmt.getWarnings();
    while (sqw != null)
    System.out.println(“warning sqw:” + sqw.getMessage() );
    sqw = sqw.getNextWarning();


    warning sqw:

    warning sqw:QUERY PLAN FOR STATEMENT 1 (at line 1).

    warning sqw:

    warning sqw:

    warning sqw: STEP 1

    warning sqw: The type of query is SELECT.

    warning sqw:

    warning sqw: FROM TABLE

    warning sqw: lclflash01..LTT_IM18_ITX_PFX

    warning sqw: Nested iteration.

    warning sqw: Table Scan.

    warning sqw: Forward scan.

    warning sqw: Positioning at start of table.

    warning sqw: Using I/O Size 2 Kbytes for data pages.

    warning sqw: With LRU Buffer Replacement Strategy for data pages.

    warning sqw:

    #265781 Reply


    I just downloaded 5.5M1 for review and was hoping to see a fix for this issue. I still don’t see a way to view an SQL Warning. Can someone let me know if this was included in the latest release?

    #265783 Reply

    Haris Peco


    No, It is not in 5.5M1.There is request for enhancement for this in our internal database..Other issue from this thread ([] syntax) is resolved.You have special preference for Sybase.


    #265792 Reply


    Do you know if this enhancement will be included in the final 5.5 release? I do Java and Stored Proc programming for a Sybase database and really need to be able to view query plans and statistics. Without this functionality, I’ll probably continue to use SQL Advantage for my database needs.

    #270733 Reply


    I just downloaded the final version of 5.5 and I didn’t see where

      SQL Warnings are viewable
      Filtering on Schema/User

    were made available. Can someone let me know if I’m missing something or when these features will be available?

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