
TCP/IP Monitor

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  • #250289 Reply


    Am doing some Web Services testing using the TCP/IP monitor.

    If I use the TCP/IP monitor that came with Axis, everything works fine – I can monitor the call from the client and the server response and the call completes from the client’s perspective.

    I am monitoring the local port 80 on my machine. The server is on another machine and is a COTS server. The TCP/IP monitor runs on the local machine and monitors port 80 and forwards the traffic to the server machine port 80.

    When I monitor with the TCP/IP monitor from Axis with exact same parameters, I see the request and the response in the monitor and the client call completes.

    But when I monitor with the TCP/IP monitor from MyEclipse with the same parameters, I see the request, I also see the response but the client call does not complete. Although I can see the response in the TCP/IP monitor, the client does not seem to have received the response and keeps on waiting and eventually times out.

    Any idea what could be happening?

    #250309 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Strange. When you say the client call does not complete, you mean the client is physically sitting there with no reply, as if the monitor ate it?

    #250320 Reply


    Yeah. The client just sits there and eventually times out just as if the monitor were to have consumed the response without passing it on to the client. And I don’t get this problem with the Axis TCP/IP monitor. Unless I’m doing something really dumb and not realizing it.

    I’m running MyEclipse 4.1.1 GA on a Windows XP Pro machine and the other machine where the server is running is a Windows 2003 Server box.

    #250321 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is probably unrelated, but are all the software (and hardware, if it applies) firewalls open on the appropriate port on these machines? I know it’s works with the Axis one, but I’m just not able to reproduce this issue on our end so I’m wondering if it’s some strange interaction going on here.

    #250323 Reply


    No hardware/software firewalls running on or between these machines as far as I can see. The only thing is that the two machines are configured as part of two different Windows domains. I don’t think that should make a difference because they are on the same TCP/IP network.

    Anything I can do on my side to try to analyze/debug this problem?

    #250327 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Is there a chance you could run the setup locally on the same machine, from one port to another and see if the same thing happens? I’m hesitant to run off the deep end here working on this as the Axis one works for you and with MyEclipse 5.0 pending with so many changes this might inadvertantly get fixed in there somewhere.

    #250344 Reply


    I can’t recreate the same setup all on one machine – with the SOAP client and server running on one machine and the client running through MyEclipse & TCP/IP monitor.

    I tried the TCP/IP monitor with a different setup – and that worked fine. I used it to monitor communication between a browser on my local machine and a local web app. I am not running either the client or the server through MyEclipse.

    Then I used it to monitor communication between a browser on my local machine and the IIS http server running on the remote server where the soap server is running. This also worked fine. Again, neither the client nor the server are running on MyEclipse.

    In both above cases, I was running the MyEclipse TCP/IP monitor as a standalone monitor.

    This is a bit inexplicable, but it’s not a showstopper for me… so I’m going to let it be and work with the Axis TCP/IP monitor.

    #250363 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m sorry for this hickup wagles, I know one tool in a stack not working right can really be a thorn in the side. The developers are really maxed out right now but I will drop this in someone’s inbox to look into if they have time.

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