
TCP/IP Monitor breaking SOAP

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  • #257791 Reply


    (Is there a quick link in eclipse to gather system info?) I am running e3.2 and mye5.0 on Win XP SP2.

    Hi, I am connecting a C# client with WSE uernametoken/plain text pass to my web service on WebLogic.

    When setting the TCP/IP monitor to HTTP it (a) does not show the response (b) hangs the response after the 1st (I am iterating and sending a bunch of ‘ping’ requests to my ‘pong’ test service) Switching to TCP/IP protocol is fixing this but removes all formatting (which is not good even in HTTP).

    Do we have a chance of getting this fixed? The proxy shouldn’t really alter the message in any way and I don’t see WSA interfering due to port forwarding. Some better formatting (indenting) of the XML would also be very welcome.


    #257793 Reply


    Oh, I just realize the TCP/IP monitor is not a myeclipse feature but in the base eclipse install. Sorry, never mind…

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