
Team Synchronize – Is there an "ignore" list

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  • #339899 Reply


    I have several resources in various projects which have to be in the repository yet can be modified when checked out to a dev environment to facilitate builds etc in that dev environment (.launch files for custom builders, properties files etc).

    The resources show up every time I do a Team->Sync as changed and therefore needing to be committed but actually they don’t as the changes made should not be committed to the base resource in SVN.

    Is there a way of permanently telling the Team -> Sync process to ignore these files? I cannot add them the the SVN:Ignore list obviously. Choosing “Remove from view” in the Sync view does remove them but if I sync once again, they re-appear, even though no further changes have happened since removing them from the Synchronise view.

    Using MyEclipse 10.7.1 with Subclipse plugin


    #339910 Reply


    MyEclipse has an ignored resources feature that will do this. You just open the Window > Preferences > Team -> Ignored Resources and add your pattern. But, you can’t ignore a resource which is already shared.

    Alternatively, you can make that resource as a read-only in the svn repository. Please take a look at this thread which discusses the same problem.

    I also suggest you cross post to SVN related forums for better support on this query.

    Hope this helps.

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