
Teradata and MyEclipse

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  • #236632 Reply


    Thank you very much for your quick answer, I actully used the Help documentation to make this work with MySQL. It works like a charm. Teradata support was just recently added so I assume there could be something not working ell in there.

    I ran eclipse with the -clean option and it didn’t fix the issue. I still get the same error message.

    However, I found a solution for my problem and I wanted to share it with whoever may be interested on get this working, On the Teradata JDBC4 Driver configuration, you need to add two files to the Driver Libraries terajdbc4.jar and log4j-1.2.8.jar (I assume other versions will also work)

    Apparently, the first jar file will try to use classes on the second jar file.

    Best Regards and thanks again for your quick answer.

    Jose Lora

    #236653 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you re-post this response to the correct thread? This is good information but I think you accidentally posted it against the wrong thread.

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