
term "use case" question

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  • #280433 Reply


    I was following struts tutorial and noticed the term “use case” in the wizard. I am not familiar with the term use case, is that related to UML? I noticed the tutorial has left out the use case empty and go straight into the path textfield. So what would be the difference between leaving the usecase blank or not?

    #280443 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I am not familiar with the term use case, is that related to UML?

    This is a UML related term. In simple words, this is the name given to the element that is being added to your project. e.g. If you are adding a new action to the struts-config.xml file, you will have to give the action a name. It cannot be left blank.

    I noticed the tutorial has left out the use case empty and go straight into the path textfield.

    Which section of the tutorial are you referring to ?

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