
test center not opening #2

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  • #339600 Reply


    i jumped the gun on my last post, the solution doesn’t open the test center for the app i’ve been working on for months just new projects. Is there a solution for this issue?

    #339601 Reply

    Stu Wade

    When I have encountered this problem it has generally been caused by my own changes to the xxx_www folder – either my changing one of the generated files, or more commonly, by gross errors in my xxx_custom.js file.
    My normal solution has been as follows:
    1) copy the custom.js file into the main project directory.
    2) delete the _www folder
    3) run the TC – this will regenerate all the files in the _www directory

    Assuming the TC has opened properly the problem is now known to lie in the JavaScript.

    Copy your custom.js file back into the new www folder. Run the TC if it fails you have done something seriously bad in the .js file – I would advise using something like Notepad++ to try and sort out just where the problem lies. For me it was inevitably mismatched {} but we all have our own favourite programming errors.

    #339730 Reply


    I believe I tried your suggestion correctly and when I run the TC the new folder is empty. I started a new project added some buttons and again the TC won’t open, pleas help.

    I am a newbee to apps so I also need more basic instructions as well


    #339757 Reply


    >I started a new project added some buttons and again the TC won’t open, pleas help.
    I agree with Stu that if you do some changes in your -www folder, Test Center might fail. But, when I read this, I understood that you can’t open Test Center for any project now, is this correct?

    Please share mobione version and your .log file to take a look and investigate what can be the problem. It’s located at <user-home>/.mobione/runtime/.metadata/.log

    #339791 Reply


    yes that’s correct, version: 2.3.2 (hot-fix 1, 20130425). log file is attached to this post

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    #339818 Reply

    Hi Rob,

    Thanks for sharing your log file. It seems to be a bug on the Design Center, can you share the design files you used to replicate the problem? if you want to keep data in privacy send the zip file to support at genuitec dot com, use title Mobione data from Robldavis.

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