
Text editor vertical scrollbar not visible [Fixed]

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  • #514218 Reply


    Hi, I’m using Darkest Dark theme and loving it. The only issue I’m having is that the vertical scrollbar is not visible. This makes it impossible to use the vertical scrollbar occurrences as I can’t see where in the file I am. The scrollbar will flash visible when I move my mouse to the area, but disappears right away. The area isn’t even on top of the scrollbar, it seems like this activates when the mouse is moved about 10 pixels to the left of where the vertical scrollbar would be. I also cannot click within the scrollbar to navigate the file because the scrollbar disappears.

    Anybody else having this issue? I couldn’t find any options to remove auto-hiding of the scrollbars.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Aaron Lara.
    #514269 Reply


    Thank you for trying the Darkest Dark theme. Glad that you love it. The scrollbar behavior in the editors comes from Eclipse itself. I have filed a bug for the dev team to investigate further.

    As a workaround, you can replace the themed scrollbar with native one by adding
    -Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar=false flag to the eclipse.ini (after -vmargs) located in the Eclipse install directory.

    Hope this helps. Please let us know if you see any issues.

    MyEclipse Support

    #514274 Reply


    Thank you, adding that line to the .ini replaced the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to the native OS widgets in the text editor only. It’s interesting how it didn’t change the scrollbars in the other views such as the Project Explorer. But that’s fine since those themed vertical scroll bars are working correctly.

    I’ll be hoping for a fix from Eclipse for this!

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