
Text Field editing not possible with Max Length set

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  • #349042 Reply

    OS: Win7 Home Premium SP1
    MOBI: 2.6.2 (20140309)
    Apache Cordova 2.9 and iPhone 4/4S IOS: 6.3.1 and iPOD Touch IOS: 7.1

    Hello Tech Support,

    Noticed a strange behavior in Design Center with Text Field widgets where a property ‘Maximum Length’ is defined.

    Place a TEXT Field widget on the Phone.

    Under the Properties View:
    If one fills in the Text field with a value and then sets the max length, it does not allow change of the text field subsequently.

    One has to first set the max. length back to 0, then change the text value, and then reset max. length.

    Likewise, if one tries to double-click and edit the field on the phone in Design Center, same thing happens.

    Is this normal or a bug?


    #349075 Reply

    Hi Turgut,

    Thanks for sharing this report. I have opened a bug to track the issue. Will follow up as soon as I have an status update.

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