Sorry that you are seeing this issue with CodeMix.
Can you please check if a valid license is applied? Go to Help > CodeMix > Update License dialog and login using your credentials, if not done already. In case you are working with Eclipse 2020-09 and newer, then we have a compatibility issue where the license dialog is blank.
Please see this FAQ for the patch details : https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/codemix-and-angular-ide-compatibility-issues-in-eclipse-2020-09/
Once the patch is applied, you can try the login to apply the license.
If the engine does not connect even after applying the license, then please share the .log file located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log along with Eclipse and OS version details to help us investigate further. Rename the extension to .txt and attach it here.
Apologies for inconvenience caused. Please let us know how you get on with this issue.
Genuitec Support