
The table cannot be found on the database

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  • #273806 Reply


    I keep getting the error “The table <TABLE_NAME> cannot be found on the database” when i try to reverse engeneer database view from a MS SQL 2005 database to a JPA class.

    I works very well with tables, byt my IDE cant see views in the database.

    Im running exlipse 3.3, and myeclipseide 6.0.0 M1.

    Hope you can help me.

    Vagn Nielsen

    #273846 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    I wanted to confirm your use case – as I understand it, you are able to reverse engineer from your schema without issue. However, after you reverse engineer, your Entity class has an error marker in it stating that the view cannot be found in your database. Is this correct?

    This seems to be a bug in the validation mechanism, I’ve filed a PR for this and we’ll try to get it fixed in the next release. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #274355 Reply

    … I’ve had the same problem.
    The reason in my case was, that the project properties Driver and Catalog/Schema under MyEclipse-JavaPersistence were not available, means not filled.
    After specifying the database-Connection (Driver) and the Catalog/Schema it worked fine.


    @Support-Brian wrote:


    I wanted to confirm your use case – as I understand it, you are able to reverse engineer from your schema without issue. However, after you reverse engineer, your Entity class has an error marker in it stating that the view cannot be found in your database. Is this correct?

    This seems to be a bug in the validation mechanism, I’ve filed a PR for this and we’ll try to get it fixed in the next release. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    #274568 Reply


    Has a solution for this been found? I am having the exact same problem. I reverse engineered my JPA entity class from my database table and the resulting class has a validation error stating the table (from which it was created) does not exist.

    I am using:
    MyEclipse 6.0GA (bundled release with eclipse 3.3)
    spring/jpa using hibernate
    MySql database.

    Please let me know if you need additional information.

    #274798 Reply

    Frank Buff

    I confirm that the fix provided by Wlater Rossman is the right solution, indeed.

    I repeat: right clic on the project root then drill down to MyEclipse -> Java persistence and set the Driver and Catalog to the values used for reverse-engineering the table.

    BTW: I had this issue by using MySQL 5.1


    #287356 Reply


    I’m having a very similar problem. I’m using 6.5.1 and when I reverse engineer a table I get the red ‘x’ to the left of the line with the annotation for

    @Table(name = “<mytablename>” …

    saying that it cannot find the table in the DB.

    I tried to right click on the project root, as suggested in this thread, to select Java Persistence and make some settings there, but there was no such option available. Nor could I find such an option anywhere else in MyEclipse.

    #288909 Reply



    I am using Myeclipse 6.5.1 GA. I am also facing a similar problem as described in the previous post (mbs2). There is no option that allows to configure the database-Connection (Driver) and the Catalog/Schema. Kindly guide.

    #288910 Reply



    I found the setting in Myeclipse 6.5.1 GA. Right click on project and click properties. Expand MyEclipse and click on Java Persistence. Configure the database-Connection (Driver) and the Catalog/Schema.

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