
The type JpaDao is not Generic.It Cannot be parameterized

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  • #318056 Reply


    Hi All,

    I was able to generate spring code using CRUD in Myeclipse for Spring for 7 tables in a schema. Just to mention the skyway-spring-utils 7.1.1 was the latest availabe that time.

    One of my co-worker decided to add a new table to the editor above. She went through the CRUD excercise and got the error in subject line. She was using skyway-spring-utils 7.1.3 .

    On analysis we found this library introduced changes with Generic

    Am I thinking the wrong way? please let me know if you propose a fix?

    Thanks in advance !

    #318117 Reply


    Is your co-worker trying to scaffold into the original project? If so, can you try scaffolding the new table into an independent project?

    When do you get the error message? During application deployment?

    #318118 Reply


    Yes, my co-worker is trying to scaffold in to the old project. She has no issues when she scaffolds the new table in an independent project.

    The error message is at the compile time.

    Also, as mentioned previously the old project was using skyway-spring-utils 7.1.1 and my co-worker was using skyway-spring-utils 7.1.3 . The use Generics started from version 7.1.2

    I though the versions would be backward compatible.

    Thanks again,


    #318436 Reply


    We continued this thread via email, but the resolution was that the skyway-utils jar file added an API breaking modification to use generics on the DAO that required developers to update their code manually if they re-scaffold into a project that was using the previous version of the skyway-utils jar.


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