
Tomcat 5 and jsp:useBean problems

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  • #226488 Reply


    I would like to be able to use JSP debugging, however, this doesn’t appear to be an option with Tomcat 4, so I moved to Tomcat 5.0.28. When I did, I started to receive JasperExceptions like the following;

    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /provision/JspMapImage.jsp(52,0) The value for the useBean class attribute com.earthwhere.webapp.JspMapImageBean is invalid.

    Everything was running fine in Tomcat 4. Looks like a classpath issue w/ Tomcat 5. Can anyone shed some additional light?

    Eclipse Platform
    Version: 3.0.1
    Build id: 200409161125

    Version: 3.8.4
    Build id: 200501171200-3.8.4


    #226496 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The value for the useBean class attribute com.earthwhere.webapp.JspMapImageBean is invalid.

    Where does this class come from? Is the JAR in your WEB-INF/lib directory?

    You might want to check your /common/lib directory of your Tomcat 4 install and see if you had put any custom JARs there that are not in your Tomcat 5 install. (custom JARs, not system JARs, don’t just copy over all the JARs, this will cause Tomcat 5 to barf).

    #226521 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    I’m using the exploded deployment option, the class is in WEB-INF/classes.

    5.0.28 common/lib contains….
    ant.jar commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar jasper-compiler.jar naming-common.jar naming-resources.jar
    ant-launcher.jar commons-el.jar jasper-runtime.jar naming-factory.jar servlet-api.jar
    commons-collections-3.1.jar commons-pool-1.2.jar jsp-api.jar naming-java.jar

    4.1.31 common/lib contains….
    activation.jar commons-collections.jar commons-pool-1.1.jar jdbc2_0-stdext.jar mail.jar naming-resources.jar
    ant.jar commons-dbcp-1.1.jar jasper-compiler.jar jndi.jar naming-common.jar servlet.jar
    ant-launcher.jar commons-logging-api.jar jasper-runtime.jar jta.jar naming-factory.jar

    Why wouldn’t Tomcat find it under WEB-INF/classes?

    Thanks for your help,

    #226523 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No idea… everything looks kosher. Try and remove your deployment, rebuild your project and redeploy. Also provide the snippet of code that craps out.

    #227032 Reply


    Make sure that your bean have default parameterless constructor.

    #228493 Reply

    I’m using Tomcat 5.5.7 with the exploded package option for deployment on MyEclipseIDE for Eclipse 3.1 and JSP debuging works fine

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