
Tomcat App Server Preferences Not picking up SDK

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  • #244237 Reply


    Under MyEclipse/Application Servers/Tomcat5/JDK

    eclipse is reporting the problem that i need to have a full SDK installed instead of a JRE i have 1.4 and 5.0 installed


    Eclipse 3.1.1
    MyEclipse Version: 4.0.200
    Build id: 20051205-4.1-Milestone2

    OS X 10.4.3

    #244242 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What you need to do is click the Add button and point at your JDK directory (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06) not youre JRE directory. After configuring it hit OK.

    The reason you see entities there is that Eclipse automatically picks up configured JREs from your system, but MyEclipse needs JDKs. We are streamlining this in the 4.1 GA release.

    #244246 Reply


    I’ve tried this and pointed it to my 1.4.2 installation root directory and its still reporting the error, however just to note the server will still run

    #244254 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What is the full version of your 1.4.2 install? (e.g. _04?) also what is the full path?

    If the path has spaces in it, and you copy the JDK directory (just for testing) to C:\test, and then set the JDK dir to C:\test\jdk1.4.2_<whatever>, does it work? We changed some of the validation logic in 4.1M2 for JDKs and want to make sure it’s working.

    #244422 Reply


    Full path of SDKs are


    all my sdks are listed in the installed JREs under java-> installed jres

    #244427 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m not farmiliar with how the JDKs are laid out on OS X, our verification step is looking for a “jre” subdirectory under the JDK directory as a full JDK install from Sun always includes the runtime within it, I wonder if this is different for Apple’s JDK?

    #244471 Reply


    The contents of my SDK directory is

    drwxr-xr-x 36 root wheel 1224 Nov 16 11:57 bin
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 10 Nov 16 11:57 include -> ../Headers
    drwxr-xr-x 36 root wheel 1224 Dec 1 08:36 lib
    drwxr-xr-x 24 root wheel 816 Nov 16 11:57 man

    no jre directory

    #244477 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ok that’s the problem, I filed an issue this morning and it’s been assigned to our tester to test it out on a Mac and update the code accordingly.

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