
Tomcat Deployment Give Subscription Level Error

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  • #337050 Reply



    I’ve been working with myeclipse for years (great product). This is the first time I’ve come across an error.

    I’m picking up a project where a contractor left us hanging. When I try to deploy the project an error box pops up saying “‘Add Deployment’ has encountered a problem. An internal error occurred during: “Add Deployment”.” And another dialog box comes up with my subscription Key Information saying there is a subscription level problem.

    What I’m trying to figure out, is there a log somewhere that might point me in the direction of what he used that is causing a subscription level problem? It seems odd that myeclipse has limits on what jars can be deployed.

    Thanks in advance.

    #337099 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please answer some more questions for us?

    1. Can you please share the Build Id from Help > About MyEclipse Enterprise Edition > Build Id ?

    2. Clear the contents of the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log. Replicate the issue and copy paste the contents of the .log file here for us to investigate further.

    #337160 Reply



    In addition to the information requested by Swapna, could you also let us know if the error dialog mentions the kind of subscription required? I’m wondering if your contractor had a different edition of MyEclipse from the one you are using, and made us of some features that are specific to that edition.

    It’s great that you’ve been problem free for so long; hopefully, you can repeat that experience after sorting this problem.

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