- This topic has 18 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years ago by
Scott Anderson.
SeJoMemberIs there a known bug for debugging jsp files that works with struts?
because i can debug jsp files as long as they aren’t invoked by struts… (with tomcat 5.0.16)if this is the wrong thread to ask, let me know i’ll delete it and repost it somewhere else…
thank you
Riyad KallaMemberSeJo I don’t know if this is a shortcomming, bug or Difficult Thing(tm) that just hasn’t been implemented yet, maybe Scott/Michael can help us out. I’ve seen a few other people ask about Struts JSP debugging.
support-michaelKeymasterAre you trying to debug an included JSP? If yes try setting a breakpoint in the top-level containing JSP. If other please define. We don’t know of any issues with debugging Struts invoked JSPs.
MyEclipse Support
SeJoMemberhi ,
The problem is my pages i made won’t be debugged, i thought that was because i call them trough actions, don’t have included pages, only frames.
But i just tried to call a page from the adress bar (that i normally call from an action) and it isn’t debugged neither.
If i make a new page then i can debug it, but all my pages created before i can’t debug them.
weird thing :-]
here is an example of the index.jsp page.
<%@page import="com.kbcsecurities.institutional.resources.* ,com.ubizen.bolero.data.IUser ,com.kbcsecurities.institutional.permissions.*" errorPage="/default/error/unknownerrorDispatch.jsp"%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/custom-style.tld" prefix="custom"%> <% IUser user = (IUser)session.getAttribute(Constants.USER_KEY); // here is where i set the breakpoint. but it never stops there boolean search_cli=Permission.hasPermission(Permission.SEARCH_CLIENT,user); boolean search_sec=Permission.hasPermission(Permission.SEARCH_SECURITY,user); boolean orders=Permission.hasPermission(Permission.ORDERS_CREATE,user); %> <HTML> <head> <title><bean:message key="index.title" /></title> <custom:js/> <custom:meta/> </head> <frameset rows='48,*,15' cols='*' frameborder='NO' border='0' framespacing='0'> <frameset cols='229,*' frameborder='NO' border='0' framespacing='0' marginwidth='0'> <frame src='<custom:dynlink src="leftimage/image.jsp"/>' name='angle' scrolling='NO' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' noresize frameborder='NO'> <frame src='<custom:dynlink src="navigation/topnavigation.jsp"/>' name='navigation' scrolling='NO' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' noresize frameborder='NO'> </frameset> <frameset cols="221,*" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b" id="sidebar"> <%if(orders && search_sec && !search_cli){%> <frameset rows="90,*,105" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/searchsymbol/buildform.do" name="search" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/orders/createform.do" name="order" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%}else if(orders && search_sec && search_cli){%> <frameset rows="90,70,*,105" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/searchsymbol/buildform.do" name="search" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/client/searchform.do" name="searchclient" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/orders/createform.do" name="order" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%}else if(orders && !search_sec && search_cli){%> <frameset rows="70,*,105" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/client/searchform.do" name="searchclient" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/orders/createform.do" name="order" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%} else if(!orders && search_sec && !search_cli){%> <frameset rows="90,70,105,*" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/searchsymbol/buildform.do" name="search" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/content.do?summary=true" name="content" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/editorial.do?summary=true" name="editorial" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%}else if(!orders && search_sec && search_cli){%> <frameset rows="90,70,*" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/searchsymbol/buildform.do" name="search" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/client/searchform.do" name="searchclient" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%}else if(!orders && !search_sec && search_cli){%> <frameset rows="70,*" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/client/searchform.do" name="searchclient" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="NO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%} else {%> <frameset rows=",*" frameborder="YES" border="1" framespacing="1" bordercolor="#00416b"> <frame src="/orders/createform.do" name="order" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="NO" frameborder="AUTO"> <frame src="/news/news.do" name="news" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <%}%> <frame src='<custom:dynlink src="home/home.jsp"/>' name="body" scrolling="AUTO" frameborder="NO" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> </frameset> <frame src="<custom:dynlink src="navigation/bottomnavigation.jsp" />" name="baseline" scrolling="NO" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" noresize frameborder="NO"> </frameset> <noframes> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"> </body> </noframes> </HTML>
No OperationMemberAre sure that your browser requests that page from the server?
Disable browser caches might help.NOP
SeJoMemberyes caching is disabled.
SeJoMemberI should say that all my jsp files are in a folder structure starting with a folder named default. might it be that? i don’t know if the default is reserved for folders outside code packages…
ok i just tested it.I made a folder default, nl, pro, dump and copied a simple test.jsp in each folder. only in the default.jsp he didn’t debug, the others worked perfect.
shite is there a way round this, can i code something so he doesn’t tak notice of the default. i can’t simply change it, the webapp is to big and to extensive used so i can’t switch it in no time… i will change the foldername but can’t do it now.greetings
support-michaelKeymasterSeveral thoughts:
0) The “default” folder name should not affect the jsp invocation or debugging.
1) Where are you setting the breakpoint? Make sure its in scriplet.
2) Try renaming the file and see if you can hit it from a browser assuming its not under the WEB-INF folder. This will help determine if the page is actually being invoked.
3) Lastly, you may try adding a tmp call out from your JSP to a simple java class, e.g., helloworld.java. In the java class set a standard java breakpoint and see if it is invoked.
JAva debug works great, the strange thing is if i set the same file in another folder and i hit it, the debug does work.
So i deleted the workfiles, restarted tomcat and copied the file to both locations, the /nl dir and the /default dir.
In the /nl dir it does work (so debug i can do), in the /default i can’t.
the file is a simple jsp from the wizard with this scriptlet in it :<%System.out.println("help");%>
so everything works as long as the jsp’s aren’t in the default folder.
support-michaelKeymasterI replicated your results were breakpoints a jsp in a <webroot>/default/ folder are ignored. I have entered a problem report in our tracking system for further research and resolution. Thanks for reporting this and your patience.
MyEclipse Support
SeJoMemberthank you,
I’m glad it wasn’t pebkab 😀
the problem was freaking me out… 😀btw thx for the excellent support in other areas on ME also, this is far out be thest support i’ve gotten for commercial software… and i’ve used many of it!…
support-michaelKeymasterThanks for the positive feedback.
MyEclipse is an interesting integration of proprietary and enhanced oss plugins supplimented with support services. From day-1 we set out to provide high quality support as a standard service to all ME subscribers. The majority of your subscription dollars go to funding our support team (scott, riyad, and me – thank you, thank you, thank you) and to developing new alliances with 3rd party organizations that will provide significant new capabilities for ME users. Internal development costs are funded by other means. The latter benefit will be more evident in upcoming releases this year.
Having said this the oddest behavior I have ever witnessed in software development is the beating we take on the eclipse-plugins.info site for charging $30 for what I believe is a really useful IDE enhancement. Other products charge much more for much less functionality and no one complains. Yet we get publically bashed for asking for relatively small compensation in order to continue support and ME improvements. Your feedback helps is good for the soul of our support team and counterbalances our uninformed critics.
Riyad KallaMemberMichael,
As far as the public beating goes for the $30/year charge, this is almost always due to the fact that people think ME is STILL what it used to be when it first came out: an organized collection of a bunch of open source projects. People don’t realize how far ME has come and there is a lot of functionality there that has never existed in open source plugins. Ironically enough, I was turned onto ME by a friend that tried it a while ago, thought it was just too simple and dropped it. Now that I’m using it again, he’s rediscovered it because of all the Struts work that 2.7 added.ME and Genuitec are doing the right thing and charging the right price.
SeJoMemberthas right riyad,
the price isn’t very much for the stuff you get… so keep on the work, i’ll be a ME advocate from now on 😀
support-michaelKeymasterThe issue is that Tomcat 5.14 changed the naming strategy for the derived Java servlet file such that ME 2.7RC2/3.7RC2 is unable to look up src for the debugging process. Files will ‘_’ and the directory named ‘default’ are currently problematic. We will have this fixed in the next release.
MyEclipse Support -