
Toolbar Upload Button

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  • #204524 Reply

    I work on a lot of web projects and would like to put a button on my toolbar so that I can upload (FTP) the selected page(s) without right clicking and going to upload for each page or folder. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?


    #204526 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you clarify what you mean by “without right clicking and going to upload for each page or folder”, I’m not aware of MyEclipse or Eclipse provided FTP uploading natively… are you making use of a 3rd party plugin for this?

    #204537 Reply

    FTP is part of the WebDAV plugin for Eclipse

    #204544 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    … keeping in mind that this forum is really geared towards the MyEclipse product, what kind of help were you looking for with the WebDAV plugin?

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