
tools.jar being ignored from plugin

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  • #229625 Reply

    I am working on a plugin which invokes a class in a library (jaxrpc-impl.jar) which in turn invokes a class in tools.jar (com.sun.tools.javac.Main). It appears that when I add tools.jar as a dependent library, it is ignored (I get a class not found message telling me that it couldn’t find com.sun.tools.javac.Main).

    I’m pretty sure I added the dependency to the tools.jar library fine (all the other libraries I added as dependencies can be found).

    Is there anything I can do to debug what classpath eclipse is using? I would like to verify that the tools.jar is actually in the classpath.

    #229642 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I will ask if any of our devs have time to answer this.

    #229647 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Did you add all the extra libraries as entries in your plugin.xml file? Example:

          <library name="lib/jericho-html-1.3.jar"/>
          <library name="lib/jexplorer-1.3.1.jar"/>

    Are you actually packaging tools.jar with your plugin? You’ll probably get much more help by posting this to one of the Eclipse newsgroups at eclipse.org.

    #229662 Reply

    Yes, I have the runtime entries in my plugin.xml –

    <library name=”WebserviceProject.jar”>
    <export name=”*”/>
    <library name=”lib/tools.jar”>
    <export name=”*”/>
    </library> etc….

    Yes, tools.jar is actually packaged in the plugin.

    I’ll try the eclipse newsgroups. Thanks.

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