I am a new subscriber to MyEclipse and I am working on your tutorials, the one for TraderXProject is giving me issues. I have deployed to JBoss 7.1.1-Final and will be deploying to EAP 6.0 soon. I was working through the tutorials to get familiar with myEclipse.
TraderX project does deploy and the welcome page does come up. When I put in my stock purchase I get errors. Any help and possibly a tutorial for JBoss AS7 (as, understand from reading the forums that this is much different than previous versions of JBoss) would be helpful..
0:Â javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: ejb/com/genuitec/trader/ejb/TraderHome — service jboss.naming.context.java.ejb.com.genuitec.trader.ejb.TraderHome
0:Â java.lang.NullPointerException