
Transaction Dermacation and ThrealLocal pattern

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  • #299580 Reply


    Hello good people … Myself and my partner are introducing Hibernate to our new projects. We have been doing a lot of reading and i personally have tried a number of hibernate tutorials now for over 6 months and he is only the hibernate ship now. We kinda stumbling over the issue of whether to use Dedicated transaction manager or just a straight use of session.beginTransaction(). Our application is a simple CRUD web based and will use struts 1.3 and HIbernate (no experience of other frameworks such as spring). The other battle is whether to follow the ThreadLocal pattern which u support fully, but he doesn’t. He seem to think is not recommended from hibernate.org anymore (ver 3.2-3.3) as it is complex and old perhaps … I noticed the reverse engineering from MyEclipse supports ThreadLocal pattern fully and am happy to take from there, but how do i convince my colleague that this pattern can work within tomcat 5.0/5.5?

    Thanks in advance

    #299673 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Moving to Off Topic >> Software Development.

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