
Tribix emitter for Birt 2.6.2

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  • #317015 Reply


    Hi, I’ve been trying to change the default xls emitter for BIRT 2.6.2 in MyEclipse (borth 8.5 and 9) for the Tribix one because I really need images and charts into xls reports.

    Since now, I’ve not been able to make it works. If I follow the steps describe on the Tribix site, I lose the “view as xls” option when I run the report.

    However, I’ve been able to change this emitter using a plain eclipse reporting installation.

    Did anybody already have the same problem and have a solution ?


    #317060 Reply



    Please answer below queries to help me investigate further –
    1. Copy and paste your installation details. Refer – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-view-the-installation-details/&highlight=
    2. How did you install ME? Meaning all-in-one installer / pulse / archived update site on top of eclipse classic?
    3. How did you add Tribix emitter to ME? Please provide a weblink and also mention detailed steps to reproduce above issue
    4. Please include screenshots to help me get a visual. Refer – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-upload-attachments-on-forum/&highlight=

    #317066 Reply


    1: Here is my installation detail

    2: I’ve been using all-in-one installer

    3: Here is the link on how to install tribix: http://birtworld.blogspot.com/2010/06/birt-excel-output.html.
    Mostly: If you wish to use just the XLS emitter, download the org.uguess.birt.report.engine.emitter.xls_version and org.uguess.birt.report.engine.common_version plugins and copy them to the plugins directory in your Eclipse install location. You will also need to copy them to the runtime location as well. For example, if you are using the WebViewer this will be the WebViewer/WEB-INF/Platform/plugins directory. You will also need to remove org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.excel.config_version and org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.prototype.excel_version plugins from both locations to replace the out of the box XLS emitters. Restart Eclipse with the -clean option and the Tribix emitter should work. No API changes should be required if you are using the RE API. New worksheets per page and image support should now work.

    4: Once I’ve done the steps of point 3, I lose the following option:

    #317215 Reply



    Thank you for the installation details, screenshots and steps to reproduce. I shall investigate and get back to you on this.

    #317240 Reply



    You will also need to remove org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.excel.config_version and org.eclipse.birt.report.engine.emitter.prototype.excel_version plugins from both locations to replace the out of the box XLS emitters.

    You are deleting plugins that are part of the 8.6 install, which is why you are losing the option of export to excel.
    Skip this step instead just add tribix plugins to MyEclipse dropins folder and restart the IDE. You should be all set.


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