I’ve created a new J2EE – Web Module Project.
I let the wizard create the Source / Web Root folders and then I exploded a war file into the web root directory that it created.
My exploded war looks like this
|– tld files
|– lib dir
|- Jsp files
So that the Jsp files are at the same level as the WEB-INF file
Well, MyEclipse tries to compile all of my JSPs and unfortunately it cannot find my tld files under the WEB-INF directory… while this is understandable because my jsp taglib entries look like this:
<%@ taglib uri=”struts-bean.tld” prefix=”bean” %>
Weblogic seems to handle this just fine… apparently it set to look for them in the WEB-INF directory…
Is there any way I can make eclipse look for my tld files beyond the web root?