
Trouble using Hibernate & HSQLDB

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  • #245213 Reply


    I have been following the steps of the tutorial described in:
    Hibernate Quickstart — MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench.pdf

    I have been using:
    Eclipse 3.1
    MyEclipse 4.0.0

    But rather than use MySQL, as the tutorial describes, I have been using HSQLDB.

    So, there have been two things I have been doing differently:

    1. The SQL described in the tutorial for creating the table is as follows:

    CREATE TABLE echo_message
    id INT(11) PRIMARY KEY not null,
    msg VARCHAR(255)

    So I have had to use a different CREATE statement, as the above is not the correct syntax for HSQLDB. And I have probably gotten it wrong. What would be the equivalent statement in acceptable syntax for the HQSLDB database?

    2. Also, I have been adding the Hsqldb.jar to my project and to my build path. This appears to be correct and necessary.

    Below is my HibernateTest.java code – please also note that:
    – I changed the import statement for hibernate to “org.” from “net.sf.” – the tutorial tells us to use Hibernate 3, but the code it provides for HibernateTest.java includes import statements for 2.1


    package com.genuitec.hibernate;
    import org.hibernate.*;

    public class HibernateTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Step 1 – Create a new entity
    EchoMessage message = new EchoMessage();
    // Step 2 – Set message field
    try {
    // Step 3 – Get a Hibernate Session
    Session session = SessionManager.currentSession();

    // Step 4 – Persist entity to database
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
    System.out.println(“Problem with next line?:”);
    System.out.println(“No Problem in previous line if you see this.”);
    System.out.println(“Save successful.”);
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
    System.out.println(“Save failed.”);
    } finally {
    try {
    // Step 5 – close the session
    } catch (HibernateException e1) {
    // do nothing

    And below, are the results of running the above:

    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Problem with next line?:
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    I recognize that the log4j warnings are fine. But why am I getting:

    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    If useful for understanding this, below is the code of the other project files which were generated by the tutorial:


    * WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This is a generated file that is synchronized
    * by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.
    * Created Fri Jan 20 19:57:08 EST 2006 by MyEclipse Hibernate Tool.
    package com.genuitec.hibernate;

    import java.io.Serializable;

    * A class that represents a row in the ECHO_MESSAGE table.
    * You can customize the behavior of this class by editing the class, {@link EchoMessage()}.
    * WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. This is a generated file that is synchronized
    * by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.
    public abstract class AbstractEchoMessage
    implements Serializable
    /** The cached hash code value for this instance. Settting to 0 triggers re-calculation. */
    private int hashValue = 0;

    /** The composite primary key value. */
    private java.lang.Integer id;

    /** The value of the simple msg property. */
    private java.lang.String msg;

    * Simple constructor of AbstractEchoMessage instances.
    public AbstractEchoMessage()

    * Constructor of AbstractEchoMessage instances given a simple primary key.
    * @param id
    public AbstractEchoMessage(java.lang.Integer id)

    * Return the simple primary key value that identifies this object.
    * @return java.lang.Integer
    public java.lang.Integer getId()
    return id;

    * Set the simple primary key value that identifies this object.
    * @param id
    public void setId(java.lang.Integer id)
    this.hashValue = 0;
    this.id = id;

    * Return the value of the MSG column.
    * @return java.lang.String
    public java.lang.String getMsg()
    return this.msg;

    * Set the value of the MSG column.
    * @param msg
    public void setMsg(java.lang.String msg)
    this.msg = msg;

    * Implementation of the equals comparison on the basis of equality of the primary key values.
    * @param rhs
    * @return boolean
    public boolean equals(Object rhs)
    if (rhs == null)
    return false;
    if (! (rhs instanceof EchoMessage))
    return false;
    EchoMessage that = (EchoMessage) rhs;
    if (this.getId() == null || that.getId() == null)
    return false;
    return (this.getId().equals(that.getId()));

    * Implementation of the hashCode method conforming to the Bloch pattern with
    * the exception of array properties (these are very unlikely primary key types).
    * @return int
    public int hashCode()
    if (this.hashValue == 0)
    int result = 17;
    int idValue = this.getId() == null ? 0 : this.getId().hashCode();
    result = result * 37 + idValue;
    this.hashValue = result;
    return this.hashValue;



    * Created Fri Jan 20 19:57:08 EST 2006 by MyEclipse Hibernate Tool.
    package com.genuitec.hibernate;

    import java.io.Serializable;

    * A class that represents a row in the ‘ECHO_MESSAGE’ table.
    * This class may be customized as it is never re-generated
    * after being created.
    public class EchoMessage
    extends AbstractEchoMessage
    implements Serializable
    * Simple constructor of EchoMessage instances.
    public EchoMessage()

    * Constructor of EchoMessage instances given a simple primary key.
    * @param id
    public EchoMessage(java.lang.Integer id)

    /* Add customized code below */




    package com.genuitec.hibernate;

    import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
    import org.hibernate.Session;
    import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;

    * Configures and provides access to Hibernate sessions, tied to the
    * current thread of execution. Follows the Thread Local Session
    * pattern, see {@link http://hibernate.org/42.html}.
    public class SessionManager {

    * Location of hibernate.cfg.xml file.
    * NOTICE: Location should be on the classpath as Hibernate uses
    * #resourceAsStream style lookup for its configuration file. That
    * is place the config file in a Java package – the default location
    * is the default Java package.<br><br>
    * Examples: <br>
    * <code>CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = “/hibernate.conf.xml”.
    * CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = “/com/foo/bar/myhiberstuff.conf.xml”.</code>
    private static String CONFIG_FILE_LOCATION = “/hibernate.cfg.xml”;

    /** Holds a single instance of Session */
    private static final ThreadLocal threadLocal = new ThreadLocal();

    /** The single instance of hibernate configuration */
    private static final Configuration cfg = new Configuration();

    /** The single instance of hibernate SessionFactory */
    private static org.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    * Returns the ThreadLocal Session instance. Lazy initialize
    * the <code>SessionFactory</code> if needed.
    * @return Session
    * @throws HibernateException
    public static Session currentSession() throws HibernateException {
    Session session = (Session) threadLocal.get();

    if (session == null) {
    if (sessionFactory == null) {
    try {
    sessionFactory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
    catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println(“%%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%”);
    session = sessionFactory.openSession();

    return session;

    * Close the single hibernate session instance.
    * @throws HibernateException
    public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException {
    Session session = (Session) threadLocal.get();

    if (session != null) {

    * Default constructor.
    private SessionManager() {




    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
    “-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN”
    http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd&#8221; >

    <!– DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized –>
    <!– by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration. –>
    <!– Created Fri Jan 20 19:57:08 EST 2006 –>
    <hibernate-mapping package=”com.genuitec.hibernate”>

    <class name=”EchoMessage” table=”ECHO_MESSAGE”>
    <id name=”id” column=”ID” type=”integer”>
    <generator class=”increment”/>

    <property name=”msg” column=”MSG” type=”string” />


    Thanks in advance for any help…

    #245237 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have no idea why you are getting that. If you turn the logging off, do you still see it? It’s strange there is no indicator where it is comming from or what log level it was logged at. Makes me think that it’s from your code somewhere.

    #245242 Reply


    Thank you for your quick response. Okay, so just to show off my ignorance, um, how do I turn off logging? Though again, I don’t think the log4j error message is the problem. I believe this tutorial (or others I have read), suggest that it is okay to ignore logging related errors (???), but just to eliminate a potential variable, I will be glad to disable logging.

    But to be clear, what I am asking is why the following line is not executing:


    And why I am getting the following error message in result:

    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    I don’t think these error messages relate to the log4j error message that precedes them – particularly as I have added a bit of debugging code that results in printing a line to the console in between the log4j errors and the error messages in question. If you look again at my code, it seems to me that the following segment:

    System.out.println(“Problem with next line?:”);
    System.out.println(“No Problem in previous line if you see this.”);
    System.out.println(“Save successful.”);
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
    System.out.println(“Save failed.”);

    is resulting in:

    Problem with next line?:
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    And the log3j error messages that precede this are not related.

    I’m new to submitting questions to a forum like this, so don’t know what is or isn’t a reasonable request, but do you have the ability to try to execute the steps of the tutorial using hsqldb? Or even just using mySQL as the tutorial specifies to confirm it is correct without modifications to begin with?

    Thanks again…

    #245244 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for your quick response. Okay, so just to show off my ignorance, um, how do I turn off logging?

    My mistake, I thought you had configured Log4j, I see you hadn’t. Nothing to change here.


    And why I am getting the following error message in result:

    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    Ahh, thank you for clarifying. In that nightmare of a post above it was hard to tell where your questions were (tip: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-6922.html)

    I would suggest editing your hibernate.cfg.xml file and setting show_sql to true, so you can see what Hibernate is trying to execute. You may have an invalid type for the message class somewhere. Also be sure you are using the most recently hsql version, we have seen a lot of “weird errors” disappear with the database explorer when folks upgraded, so I think they fixed some bugs.

    #245317 Reply


    Thanks, okay, four questions:

    1. I think I can safely say that there is not a problem with how I am using hsqldb.jar, but can you tell me if I am not thinking of something?:
    – I have been using HSQLDB1.8.0.1, which I believe is the latest release.
    – I am using the same copy of it everywhere: When I import hsqldb.jar to my project and add it to my buildpath (which I do even though the tutorial does not say to import or add it), I add it from the same directory on my file system which I specify in my Database Connection (from Window/Preferences, then having selected HSQLDB Standalone and then Edit, the path is defined under Driver libraries)
    – The database can be communicated with using the MyEclipse Database Manager, and its SQL Editor – with these tools, I can CREATE tables, INSERT or SELECT successfully.

    2. Could it be that I should be adding other resources to get this to work besides hsqldb.jar? Are there other items I should be importing manually or adding to the build path? Perhaps some other files associated with hsqldb.jar?

    3. Like you suggested, I added the following to hibernate.cfg.xml:
    <property name=”show_sql”>true</property>
    But this didn’t cause anything different to occur. What should have this shown me?

    4. In EchoMessage.java, I am also now noticing a warning:
    “The serializable class EchoMessage does not declare a static final SerialVersionUID field of type long.”
    What should I do to fix this? Could this be the issue?

    Thanks again…

    #245318 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1. I think I can safely say that there is not a problem with how I am using hsqldb.jar, but can you tell me if I am not thinking of something?:


    2. Could it be that I should be adding other resources to get this to work besides hsqldb.jar? Are there other items I should be importing manually or adding to the build path? Perhaps some other files associated with hsqldb.jar?

    Not that I’m aware of.

    3. Like you suggested, I added the following to hibernate.cfg.xml:
    <property name=”show_sql”>true</property>
    But this didn’t cause anything different to occur. What should have this shown me?

    It should have shown you the SQL it generated to execute the save.

    4. In EchoMessage.java, I am also now noticing a warning:
    “The serializable class EchoMessage does not declare a static final SerialVersionUID field of type long.”
    What should I do to fix this? Could this be the issue?

    This is an Eclipse warning new with 3.1, your class implements Serializable but does not provide a unique ID. THat’s generally not good practice but you can ignore it for now.

    What I would like you to do is paste your hibernate.cfg.xml file in here for me to look at.

    #245355 Reply


    Thank you. Below are the contents of hibernate.cfg.xml – I should have provided this originally:

    <?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    “-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN”

    <!– Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools. –>

    <property name=”myeclipse.connection.profile”>
    HSQLDB Connection 04 – dbtest
    <property name=”connection.url”>jdbc:hsqldb:dbtest</property>
    <property name=”connection.username”>sa</property>
    <property name=”connection.password”></property>
    <property name=”connection.driver_class”>
    <property name=”dialect”>
    </property><mapping resource=”com/genuitec/hibernate/EchoMessage.hbm.xml” />



    #245374 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Unforunately it’s hard for me to say why Hibernate is barfing on you. The next step would be to turn on logging for hibernate, you can learn about that here:

    And learn how to setup a log4j.properties file here:

    #245402 Reply


    Okay,… Great, thank you, … so what I did this morning was as follows:
    1. From scratch, I reconstructed my project, and I wrote out what I did step-by-step. What results is below, and if corrected, could become a variation on your provided tutorial, for using MyEclispe to connect a Project to HSQLDB, rather than Oracle or MySQL.
    2. I executed it and saw the exact same results I have been seeing, then added logging as you suggested and saw the results of this…

    So I am thinking that either:
    a. You will be able to look at the very bottom of this post, and see the results of logging being enabled, and from that see what I am doing wrong.
    b. Or you might be willing to read through or reproduce the steps of the tutorial I have written immediately below, and determine where I have an incorrect step or a missing step.


    2006 01 26 The following describes the exact sequence of steps I have completed this morning to employ Hibernate to connect a Java Project to HSQLDB1.8.0.1, using Eclipse 3.1 with MyEclipse 4.0.0. This sequence of steps is based on the instructions provided by MyEclipse Hibernate Quickstart, Last Revision: January 26, 2006 , accessible from:

    Please note that it does include various steps not made explicit in that tutorial.

    1. Downloaded hsqldb_1_8_0_1.zip to my computer.
    2. Extracted it to create HSQLDB1.8.0.1 resources in c:\hsqldb\
    3. Opened Eclipse 3.1 with MyEclipse 4.0.0 already installed.
    4. Clicked Window/OpenPerspective/Other/MyEclipse Database Explorer

    5. Clicked Window/Preferences/MyEclipse/Database Explorer/Drivers and Selected HSQLDB Standalone and then Edit.

    Name: HSQLDB Standalone
    Example URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    Java Class Path: C:\Eclipse\startup.jar
    Driver libraries: C:hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar
    Driver class name: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

    Clicked OK, Apply, OK.

    6. Clicked on Database Explorer New Connection Icon and created:

    Profile Name: HSQLDB Connection 20
    Show Drivers: All
    Driver: HSQLDB Standalone
    URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    UserName: sa
    Password: <blank>
    Open On Eclipse Startup: <Unchecked>
    Prompt for Password: checked

    Clicked Next:

    Selected Display all Schemas

    Clicked Finish.

    7. With the Connection Profile just created selected, clicked on Open Connection Icon. With Autocommit checked, clicked OK in response to LogIn dialog.
    8. Clicked on “+” next to Connection and selected:

    Connected to HSQLDB Connection 20

    9. Clicked DB Connection Info.

    HSQL Database Engine
    Database Product Version: 1.8.0
    Driver Major: Version 1
    Driver Minor: Version 8
    Driver Name: HSQL Database Driver
    Driver Version: 1.8.0
    User Name: SA
    URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    Autocommit Mode: True
    … many other details…

    10. Right Clicked on Connected to HSQLDB Connection 20

    Selected New SQL Editor

    11. Entered the following into the New SQL Editor and clicked ‘Running Man’ Icon:

    CREATE TABLE MyTable(id INT primary key, stuff varchar(255));

    It ran, no error message resulted.

    12. Expanded HSQLDB Connection 20 in the DB Browser. Found PUBLIC/TABLE and selected TABLE. RIght clicked and clicked Refresh. Then found the newly created MYTABLE with the columns ID and STUFF. Saw that ID is shown with a key over or part of its column icon.

    13. Closed the SQL Editor.

    14. Clicked Window/OpenPerspective/Other/Java(default).

    15. Clicked File/New/Project.

    Selected Java Project and clicked Next.

    Project Name: HibernateDemo20
    Create New Project in Workspace
    Use Default Compiler
    Checked Create Separate Source and Output Folders
    Clicked Next

    Saw in the next Dialog:
    Default Output Folder: HibernateDemo20/bin
    Clicked Finish

    16. With the Project HibernateDemo20 selected, Clicked MyEclipse/Add Hibernate Capabilities.

    Hibernate Specification: Hibernate 3
    Library Folder: /lib
    Checked: Append Hibernate libraries to project classpath
    Hibernate Config File: New

    Clicked Next

    Configuration Folder Path: /HibernateDemo20/src
    Configuration File Name: hibernate.cfg.xml

    Clicked Next

    Checked: Create SessionFactory Class
    Session Factory Class: com.genuitec.hibernate.SessionManager
    Source Folder: /src

    Clicked Finish

    17. In hibernate.cfg.xml, configured database connection profile:

    Selected: Use JDBC Driver
    DB Connect Profile: HSQLDB Connection 20
    URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    User Name: SA
    Password: <blank>
    Dialect: HypersonicSQL
    Did not click Copy JDBC Driver and Add to Classpath
    Saved file.
    Closed file.

    18. Clicked Window/OpenPerspective/Other/MyEclipse Database Explorer
    19. Selected MYTABLE, right clicked and clicked Create Hibernate Mapping.

    Location: /HibernateDemo20/src/com/genuitec/hibernate
    Base Persistence Class: <blank>
    ID Generator: Increment
    Types: Use Hibernate Types
    Checked: Update Hibernate Configuration File.

    Clicked Finish.

    20. Confirmed in Project HibernateDemo20, existence under src/com/genuitec/hibernate:


    21. In /src/com.genuitec.hibernate, created a Java Class HibernateTest by selecting File/New/Class then:

    Source Folder: HibernateDemo20/src
    Package: com.genuitec.hibernate
    Name: HibernateTest
    Superclass: java.lang.Object
    Checked public static void main(String[]args)
    Checked Inherited abstract methods

    22. Copied the following to be the entire contents of HibernateTest:

    package com.genuitec.hibernate;
    import org.hibernate.*;
    //import org.hsqldb.SessionInterface;
    public class HibernateTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Step 1 – Create a new entity
    Mytable sss = new Mytable();
    // Step 2 – Set message field

    try {
    // Step 3 – Get a Hibernate Session
    Session session = SessionManager.currentSession();

    // Step 4 – Persist entity to database
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

    System.out.println(“Problem with next line?:”);
    System.out.println(“No Problem in previous line if you see this.”);
    System.out.println(“Save successful.”);
    } catch (HibernateException e) {
    System.out.println(“Save failed.”);
    } finally {
    try {
    // Step 5 – close the session
    } catch (HibernateException e1) {
    // do nothing

    23. In the Package Explorer, selected HibernateDemo20, and then imported the following (with Create selected folders only checked):

    C: \hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar

    The found it in the Package Explorer, right clicked it, selected Build Path, and clicked Add it to the build path. In result, saw that its icon changed from a document to a jar.

    24. Selected HibernateTest and clicked Run/Run as Java Application.

    Saw the following in the console in result:

    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Problem with next line?:
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    25. So,… opened hibernate.cfg.xml. Added a property of


    Saved it. Then, looked at the source for this file and saw the following:

    <?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’UTF-8′?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    “-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN”

    <!– Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools. –>

    <property name=”myeclipse.connection.profile”>
    HSQLDB Connection 20
    <property name=”connection.url”>jdbc:hsqldb:hello</property>
    <property name=”connection.username”>sa</property>
    <property name=”connection.password”></property>
    <property name=”connection.driver_class”>
    <property name=”dialect”>
    <property name=”max_fetch_depth”>1</property>
    <mapping resource=”com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml”></mapping>



    26. Again selected HibernateTest and clicked Run/Run as Java Application. Saw the same result:

    log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment).
    log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
    Problem with next line?:
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    27. So… in the Package Explorer, selected HibernateDemo20, and then imported the following (with Create selected folders only checked):

    C: \ hibernate-3.1\etc\log4j.properties

    Saw in the Package Explorer that in the Project log4j-1.2.9.jar was now shown with a jar icon and log4j.properties was shown with a document icon.

    Copied and pasted log4j.properties to under /src/ and then deleted it from where it was prior.

    28. Again selected HibernateTest and clicked Run/Run as Java Application. Saw the following result:

    10:01:05,890 INFO Environment:464 – Hibernate 3.0.5
    10:01:05,921 INFO Environment:477 – hibernate.properties not found
    10:01:05,968 INFO Environment:510 – using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    10:01:05,968 INFO Environment:540 – using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    10:01:06,218 INFO Configuration:1110 – configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    10:01:06,218 INFO Configuration:1081 – Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    10:01:07,343 INFO Configuration:444 – Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    10:01:08,078 INFO HbmBinder:260 – Mapping class: com.genuitec.hibernate.Mytable -> MYTABLE
    10:01:08,140 INFO Configuration:1222 – Configured SessionFactory: null
    10:01:08,140 INFO Configuration:875 – processing extends queue
    10:01:08,140 INFO Configuration:879 – processing collection mappings
    10:01:08,140 INFO Configuration:888 – processing association property references
    10:01:08,140 INFO Configuration:917 – processing foreign key constraints
    10:01:08,343 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 – Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
    10:01:08,343 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 – Hibernate connection pool size: 20
    10:01:08,343 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 – autocommit mode: false
    10:01:08,421 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 – using driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    10:01:08,421 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 – connection properties: {user=sa, password=****}
    10:01:09,359 INFO SettingsFactory:77 – RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
    10:01:09,359 INFO SettingsFactory:78 – JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
    10:01:09,484 INFO Dialect:92 – Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
    10:01:09,484 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 – Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    10:01:09,484 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 – No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    10:01:09,484 INFO SettingsFactory:125 – Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
    10:01:09,484 INFO SettingsFactory:129 – Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
    10:01:09,484 INFO SettingsFactory:136 – JDBC batch size: 15
    10:01:09,500 INFO SettingsFactory:139 – JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:144 – Scrollable result sets: enabled
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:152 – JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:160 – Connection release mode: null
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:184 – Maximum outer join fetch depth: 1
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:187 – Default batch fetch size: 1
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:191 – Generate SQL with comments: disabled
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:195 – Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
    10:01:09,515 INFO SettingsFactory:334 – Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    10:01:09,531 INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 – Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    10:01:09,531 INFO SettingsFactory:203 – Query language substitutions: {}
    10:01:09,531 INFO SettingsFactory:209 – Second-level cache: enabled
    10:01:09,531 INFO SettingsFactory:213 – Query cache: disabled
    10:01:09,531 INFO SettingsFactory:321 – Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
    10:01:09,593 INFO SettingsFactory:228 – Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
    10:01:09,593 INFO SettingsFactory:237 – Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
    10:01:09,609 INFO SettingsFactory:261 – Statistics: disabled
    10:01:09,609 INFO SettingsFactory:265 – Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
    10:01:09,625 INFO SettingsFactory:279 – Default entity-mode: pojo
    10:01:10,187 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:152 – building session factory
    10:01:10,234 WARN Configurator:126 – No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Workspace/HibernateDemo20/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
    10:01:10,875 INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 – Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    10:01:10,875 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:379 – Checking 0 named queries
    Problem with next line?:
    10:01:10,953 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 – SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
    10:01:10,968 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 – Table not found in statement [select max(ID) from MYTABLE]
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    … Where to go from here???

    #245451 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Interesting, can you paste what was generated for MyTable.hbm.xml?

    I wonder if this could be a case sensativity issue. Also be sure to turn show_sql to true in your hiberante.cfg.xml file so we can see it.

    #245459 Reply


    Thank you very much again. Okay, I did two things in response to your suggestions. First, here is the contents of Mytable.hbm.xml as you requested:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
                                "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
                                "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
    <!-- DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized -->
    <!-- by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.                   -->
    <!-- Created Thu Jan 26 09:21:27 EST 2006                         -->
    <hibernate-mapping package="com.genuitec.hibernate">
        <class name="Mytable" table="MYTABLE">
            <id name="id" column="ID" type="integer">
                <generator class="increment"/>
            <property name="stuff" column="STUFF" type="string" />

    Second, I added show_sql=true to hibernate.cfg.xml so that its source became as follow:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
              "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
    <!-- Generated by MyEclipse Hibernate Tools.                   -->
        <property name="myeclipse.connection.profile">
            HSQLDB Connection 20
        <property name="connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:hello</property>
        <property name="connection.username">sa</property>
        <property name="connection.password"></property>
        <property name="connection.driver_class">
        <property name="dialect">
        <property name="max_fetch_depth">1</property>
        <property name="show_sql">true</property>
        <mapping resource="com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml"></mapping>

    … Then, I ran HibernateTest.java again and saw:

    15:33:53,046  INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.0.5
    15:33:53,093  INFO Environment:477 - hibernate.properties not found
    15:33:53,140  INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    15:33:53,140  INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    15:33:53,515  INFO Configuration:1110 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    15:33:53,515  INFO Configuration:1081 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    15:33:54,859  INFO Configuration:444 - Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    15:33:55,640  INFO HbmBinder:260 - Mapping class: com.genuitec.hibernate.Mytable -> MYTABLE
    15:33:55,734  INFO Configuration:1222 - Configured SessionFactory: null
    15:33:55,734  INFO Configuration:875 - processing extends queue
    15:33:55,734  INFO Configuration:879 - processing collection mappings
    15:33:55,734  INFO Configuration:888 - processing association property references
    15:33:55,734  INFO Configuration:917 - processing foreign key constraints
    15:33:56,390  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
    15:33:56,390  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
    15:33:56,406  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
    15:33:56,453  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    15:33:56,453  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connection properties: {user=sa, password=****}
    15:33:58,671  INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
    15:33:58,671  INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
    15:33:59,125  INFO Dialect:92 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
    15:33:59,125  INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    15:33:59,125  INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    15:33:59,125  INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
    15:33:59,125  INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
    15:33:59,125  INFO SettingsFactory:136 - JDBC batch size: 15
    15:33:59,125  INFO SettingsFactory:139 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: null
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:184 - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 1
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
    15:33:59,140  INFO SettingsFactory:334 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    15:33:59,171  INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    15:33:59,171  INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
    15:33:59,171  INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
    15:33:59,171  INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
    15:33:59,171  INFO SettingsFactory:321 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
    15:33:59,250  INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
    15:33:59,265  INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
    15:33:59,281  INFO SettingsFactory:257 - Echoing all SQL to stdout
    15:33:59,281  INFO SettingsFactory:261 - Statistics: disabled
    15:33:59,281  INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
    15:33:59,281  INFO SettingsFactory:279 - Default entity-mode: pojo
    15:33:59,953  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:152 - building session factory
    15:34:00,015  WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Workspace/HibernateDemo20/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
    15:34:00,531  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    15:34:00,531  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:379 - Checking 0 named queries
    Problem with next line?:
    15:34:00,765  WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
    15:34:00,765 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - Table not found in statement [select max(ID) from MYTABLE]
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    I hope this is useful…

    #245462 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Change the mapping file to match the exact case of your table as you see int the DB Explorer (e.g. MyTable) right now it is MYTABLE.

    #245465 Reply


    In the DB Browser, it shows MYTABLE, all in caps, as follows:

    HSQLDB Connection 20
    – Connected to HSQLDB Connection 20
    — PUBLIC
    — TABLE
    —- MYTABLE

    But thinking your suggestion made sense, and just to try different possibilities, first I tried “MyTable”, changing the contents of Mytable.hbm.xml to:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
                                "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
                                "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
    <!-- DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized -->
    <!-- by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.                   -->
    <!-- Created Thu Jan 26 09:21:27 EST 2006                         -->
    <hibernate-mapping package="com.genuitec.hibernate">
        <class name="Mytable" table="MyTable">
            <id name="id" column="ID" type="integer">
                <generator class="increment"/>
            <property name="stuff" column="STUFF" type="string" />

    Then I ran HibernateTest.java again and saw:

    16:27:04,625  INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.0.5
    16:27:04,656  INFO Environment:477 - hibernate.properties not found
    16:27:04,656  INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    16:27:04,656  INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    16:27:04,734  INFO Configuration:1110 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:27:04,734  INFO Configuration:1081 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:27:05,171  INFO Configuration:444 - Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    16:27:05,328  INFO HbmBinder:260 - Mapping class: com.genuitec.hibernate.Mytable -> MyTable
    16:27:05,390  INFO Configuration:1222 - Configured SessionFactory: null
    16:27:05,390  INFO Configuration:875 - processing extends queue
    16:27:05,390  INFO Configuration:879 - processing collection mappings
    16:27:05,390  INFO Configuration:888 - processing association property references
    16:27:05,390  INFO Configuration:917 - processing foreign key constraints
    16:27:05,468  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
    16:27:05,468  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
    16:27:05,468  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
    16:27:05,484  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    16:27:05,484  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connection properties: {user=sa, password=****}
    16:27:06,359  INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
    16:27:06,359  INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
    16:27:06,515  INFO Dialect:92 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
    16:27:06,531  INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    16:27:06,531  INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:136 - JDBC batch size: 15
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:139 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: null
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:184 - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 1
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
    16:27:06,531  INFO SettingsFactory:334 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:27:06,593  INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:27:06,593  INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
    16:27:06,593  INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
    16:27:06,593  INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
    16:27:06,593  INFO SettingsFactory:321 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
    16:27:06,656  INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
    16:27:06,656  INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
    16:27:06,687  INFO SettingsFactory:257 - Echoing all SQL to stdout
    16:27:06,687  INFO SettingsFactory:261 - Statistics: disabled
    16:27:06,687  INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
    16:27:06,687  INFO SettingsFactory:279 - Default entity-mode: pojo
    16:27:07,359  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:152 - building session factory
    16:27:07,500  WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Workspace/HibernateDemo20/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
    16:27:08,093  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    16:27:08,093  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:379 - Checking 0 named queries
    Problem with next line?:
    16:27:08,218  WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
    16:27:08,218 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - Table not found in statement [select max(ID) from MyTable]
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    So then, alternatively, I tried “mytable”. I changed the contents of Mytable.hbm.xml to:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
                                "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
                                "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
    <!-- DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized -->
    <!-- by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.                   -->
    <!-- Created Thu Jan 26 09:21:27 EST 2006                         -->
    <hibernate-mapping package="com.genuitec.hibernate">
        <class name="Mytable" table="Mytable">
            <id name="id" column="ID" type="integer">
                <generator class="increment"/>
            <property name="stuff" column="STUFF" type="string" />

    Then I ran HibernateTest.java again and saw:

    16:31:56,687  INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.0.5
    16:31:56,687  INFO Environment:477 - hibernate.properties not found
    16:31:56,687  INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    16:31:56,687  INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    16:31:56,765  INFO Configuration:1110 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:31:56,765  INFO Configuration:1081 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:31:57,062  INFO Configuration:444 - Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    16:31:57,187  INFO HbmBinder:260 - Mapping class: com.genuitec.hibernate.Mytable -> Mytable
    16:31:57,203  INFO Configuration:1222 - Configured SessionFactory: null
    16:31:57,203  INFO Configuration:875 - processing extends queue
    16:31:57,203  INFO Configuration:879 - processing collection mappings
    16:31:57,203  INFO Configuration:888 - processing association property references
    16:31:57,203  INFO Configuration:917 - processing foreign key constraints
    16:31:57,265  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
    16:31:57,265  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
    16:31:57,265  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
    16:31:57,265  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    16:31:57,265  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connection properties: {user=sa, password=****}
    16:31:57,656  INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
    16:31:57,656  INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
    16:31:57,687  INFO Dialect:92 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
    16:31:57,687  INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    16:31:57,703  INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:136 - JDBC batch size: 15
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:139 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: null
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:184 - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 1
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
    16:31:57,703  INFO SettingsFactory:334 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:31:57,703  INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:321 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
    16:31:57,718  INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
    16:31:57,734  INFO SettingsFactory:257 - Echoing all SQL to stdout
    16:31:57,734  INFO SettingsFactory:261 - Statistics: disabled
    16:31:57,734  INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
    16:31:57,734  INFO SettingsFactory:279 - Default entity-mode: pojo
    16:31:57,859  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:152 - building session factory
    16:31:57,875  WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Workspace/HibernateDemo20/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
    16:31:58,171  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    16:31:58,171  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:379 - Checking 0 named queries
    Problem with next line?:
    16:31:58,234  WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
    16:31:58,234 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - Table not found in statement [select max(ID) from Mytable]
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    Finally, I changed back to MYTABLE and confirmed the original results. I changed the contents of Mytable.hbm.xml to:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
                                "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
                                "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
    <!-- DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized -->
    <!-- by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.                   -->
    <!-- Created Thu Jan 26 09:21:27 EST 2006                         -->
    <hibernate-mapping package="com.genuitec.hibernate">
        <class name="Mytable" table="MYTABLE">
            <id name="id" column="ID" type="integer">
                <generator class="increment"/>
            <property name="stuff" column="STUFF" type="string" />

    Then I ran HibernateTest.java again and saw:

    16:43:08,015  INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.0.5
    16:43:08,015  INFO Environment:477 - hibernate.properties not found
    16:43:08,015  INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    16:43:08,015  INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    16:43:08,093  INFO Configuration:1110 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:43:08,093  INFO Configuration:1081 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    16:43:08,406  INFO Configuration:444 - Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    16:43:08,562  INFO HbmBinder:260 - Mapping class: com.genuitec.hibernate.Mytable -> MYTABLE
    16:43:08,578  INFO Configuration:1222 - Configured SessionFactory: null
    16:43:08,578  INFO Configuration:875 - processing extends queue
    16:43:08,578  INFO Configuration:879 - processing collection mappings
    16:43:08,578  INFO Configuration:888 - processing association property references
    16:43:08,578  INFO Configuration:917 - processing foreign key constraints
    16:43:08,656  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
    16:43:08,656  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
    16:43:08,656  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
    16:43:08,656  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver at URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hello
    16:43:08,656  INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connection properties: {user=sa, password=****}
    16:43:09,062  INFO SettingsFactory:77 - RDBMS: HSQL Database Engine, version: 1.8.0
    16:43:09,062  INFO SettingsFactory:78 - JDBC driver: HSQL Database Engine Driver, version: 1.8.0
    16:43:09,093  INFO Dialect:92 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect
    16:43:09,093  INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    16:43:09,093  INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    16:43:09,093  INFO SettingsFactory:125 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:129 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:136 - JDBC batch size: 15
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:139 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:144 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:152 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:160 - Connection release mode: null
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:184 - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 1
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Default batch fetch size: 1
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:191 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:195 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:334 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:43:09,109  INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query language substitutions: {}
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:209 - Second-level cache: enabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:213 - Query cache: disabled
    16:43:09,109  INFO SettingsFactory:321 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
    16:43:09,125  INFO SettingsFactory:228 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
    16:43:09,125  INFO SettingsFactory:237 - Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
    16:43:09,140  INFO SettingsFactory:257 - Echoing all SQL to stdout
    16:43:09,140  INFO SettingsFactory:261 - Statistics: disabled
    16:43:09,140  INFO SettingsFactory:265 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
    16:43:09,140  INFO SettingsFactory:279 - Default entity-mode: pojo
    16:43:09,281  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:152 - building session factory
    16:43:09,281  WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Workspace/HibernateDemo20/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
    16:43:09,578  INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
    16:43:09,578  INFO SessionFactoryImpl:379 - Checking 0 named queries
    Problem with next line?:
    16:43:09,640  WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: -22, SQLState: S0002
    16:43:09,640 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - Table not found in statement [select max(ID) from MYTABLE]
    could not fetch initial value
    Save failed.

    …What should I try next?

    #245468 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I really don’t like that warning: “No configuration found”, taht is what is worrying me.

    Go edit your hibernate.cfg.xml file and comment out your mapping for MyTable, just comment out the whole line, then stop your app server, redeploy your app and start it back up. Does it barf totally or still say the same thing?

    #245469 Reply


    I changed the contents of MTable.hbm.xml. I commented out the line you suggested as shown below.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
                                "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
                                "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd" >
    <!-- DO NOT EDIT: This is a generated file that is synchronized -->
    <!-- by MyEclipse Hibernate tool integration.                   -->
    <!-- Created Thu Jan 26 09:21:27 EST 2006                         -->
    <hibernate-mapping package="com.genuitec.hibernate">
       <!--  <class name="Mytable" table="MYTABLE"> -->
            <id name="id" column="ID" type="integer">
                <generator class="increment"/>
            <property name="stuff" column="STUFF" type="string" />

    I didn’t know what you meant by stop my application server (because I am not using one, unless by this you mean one embedded in Eclipse?) – so instead I just closed my connection and then opened it again (by going to the DB Explorer and closing all connections and then opened the connection once more).

    I then ran HibernateTest.java and saw the following:


    Clicked OK.
    And saw the following in the Console:

    18:01:49,890  INFO Environment:464 - Hibernate 3.0.5
    18:01:49,890  INFO Environment:477 - hibernate.properties not found
    18:01:49,906  INFO Environment:510 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
    18:01:49,906  INFO Environment:540 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
    18:01:49,968  INFO Configuration:1110 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    18:01:49,968  INFO Configuration:1081 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
    18:01:50,640  INFO Configuration:444 - Mapping resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
    %%%% Error Creating SessionFactory %%%%
    org.hibernate.MappingException: Error reading resource: com/genuitec/hibernate/Mytable.hbm.xml
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(Configuration.java:452)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement(Configuration.java:1263)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(Configuration.java:1235)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1217)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1184)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(Configuration.java:1112)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.SessionManager.currentSession(SessionManager.java:48)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:13)
    Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line 17 of document  : The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>". Nested exception: The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>".
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(Configuration.java:408)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(Configuration.java:449)
        ... 7 more
    Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line 17 of document  : The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>". Nested exception: The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>".
        at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:482)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(Configuration.java:398)
        ... 8 more
    18:01:50,703 ERROR XMLHelper:59 - Error parsing XML: XML InputStream(17) The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>".
    18:01:50,703 ERROR Configuration:407 - Could not configure datastore from input stream
    org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line 17 of document  : The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>". Nested exception: The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>".
        at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:482)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(Configuration.java:398)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(Configuration.java:449)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement(Configuration.java:1263)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(Configuration.java:1235)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1217)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1184)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(Configuration.java:1112)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.SessionManager.currentSession(SessionManager.java:48)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:13)
    Nested exception: 
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The element type "hibernate-mapping" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hibernate-mapping>".
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
        at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:465)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(Configuration.java:398)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addResource(Configuration.java:449)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseMappingElement(Configuration.java:1263)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.parseSessionFactory(Configuration.java:1235)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1217)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.doConfigure(Configuration.java:1184)
        at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.configure(Configuration.java:1112)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.SessionManager.currentSession(SessionManager.java:48)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:13)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.SessionManager.currentSession(SessionManager.java:56)
        at com.genuitec.hibernate.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:13)
    Exception in thread "main"
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