
Tutorial for JAX-WS

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  • #253429 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    Is there some kind of tutorial to make a (very simple) web service with Jax-WS, like this one http://www.netbeans.org/kb/50/jaxws20.html (only for netbeans) ?

    #253464 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    While these are for WTP web services support, they will (mostly) apply to MyEclipse in our 5.0 release that is due out soon, so I’d say start here:

    #253500 Reply

    Roel De Nijs

    will there be support for JAX-WS in the next release or when will it be scheduled ?

    #253526 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes, we are working to provide a jax-ws implementation that will support code-first (aka bottom-up) and interface-first (aka top-down) development scenarios. The implementation will be based on XFire which has a very active community around it and endorsed by some big players as opposed to Axis2.

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