
Tutorials for 4.0

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  • #234472 Reply

    John Parker

    Just wondering when any new tutorials/demos/Quickstarts, etc. might become available for the 4.0 product. Yes, I know 4.0 hasn’t even been released yet, but in a perfect world the documentation would come out together with the product release…

    I would be especially interested in tutorials on JSF and Hibernate.

    BTW, 4.0 looks amazing! Keep up the good work!

    #234477 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Just wondering when any new tutorials/demos/Quickstarts, etc. might become available for the 4.0 product.

    We’re hoping to have all the quickstarts updated, plus a few new ones for the new features, available when the 4.0 GA release is on August 29th. But, I wouldn’t expect much before that, however.

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