
Two jdbc drivers not working using MyEclipse

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  • #231620 Reply


    Trying to connect to LDAP using two jdbc drivers, JDBC-LDAB Bridge driver from Octetstring (com.octetstring.jdbcLdap.sql.JdbcLdapDriver) and the driver from Novel (com.novell.sql.LDAPDriver)

    Octetstring’s driver returns “Error while trying to login to database: null” and Novel’s driver gives a more descriptive “Error while trying to login to database: [Novel][LDAP JDBC Driver] Could not connect to LDAP server – JNDI Error: javax.naming.CommunicationException: simple bind failed: localhost:389 [Root exeption is javax.net.ssl.SSLHanshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake]”

    I can connect with both the drivers through code, but not through Database Explorer.

    Anyone have an idea why and what I can possibly do to fix it?

    #231671 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Unfortunately using the DB explorer to connect to an LDAP datasource using a JDBC bridge is a scenario that is neither tested nor supported. I think you are the first trying to do this (or atleast the first that has reported it). When we get some more free cycles we can look into the issue, but in the mean time do you have another tool you could use to browse your LDAP source?

    #231985 Reply



    I also meet this issue,I use myeclipse3.1+myeclipse4.0m2 version. I hope to connect mysql database,but always gives a more descriptive “Error while trying to login to database”. I try to add new driver,it give me a message”Error adding driver :com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”. Why?

    #232000 Reply

    Riyad Kalla
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