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  • #298245 Reply

    I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) and MyEclipse to 7.1 while I was at it, only to discover, a bit late, that Ubuntu 8.1+ is not supported.
    Since I am mostly developping EE5/Facelets (xhtml) apps, my ide is now essentially useless. I have been using myeclipse since version 2.x and could live with lack of Seam support, iffy maven support and standard wtp project structure incompatibility, but this comes as a shock.
    Next big job is a series of projects ports to JSR 299 (EE6 web beans AKA JCDI / Seam 3), and I will not be able to use myeclipse for this if the situation is not corrected.
    – Is the next 7.5 version going to support Linux (Ubuntu) ?
    – What about JSR 299 / Seam ?



    #298257 Reply


    For production systems I’d highly recommend sticking to the LTS versions of Ubuntu.

    #298261 Reply

    Loyal Water

    While MyEclipse is not completely supported on Ubuntu 8.10 and later it *does work* for a lot of folks.

    We did a full XUL Runner 1.9 update coming in MyEclipse 7.5 which should hopefully correct the Linux compatibility issue for them.

    – What about JSR 299 / Seam ?

    I’m afraid we still don’t have a committed date for SEAM support.

    #298267 Reply

    Thank you Nipun for your prompt answer,

    but… no: almost nothing works. I am not even able to create a web project. Tried with pulse, then tried again a complete reinstall with archived update site and brand new workspace, then tried again with manual install. I also tried fixing some libs (older versions) no way.
    Note: a Ganymede JEE + m2eclipse + JBoss Tools 3.0 combo, on the other hand, is working perfectly.

    rmcway: You are right of course. This is just a dev machine, used mostly for experimental stuff.
    Nipun: I am more interested in JCDI and your plans for EE6 than Seam per se.



    #298907 Reply

    I installed the new 7.5M1 (new Eclipse classic + archived update site, new workspace) under a clean Ubuntu jaunty: same problems (multiple errors when creating views).

    Will this get fixed for 7.5 ?


    #298931 Reply



    I will get a MyEclipse tech on ubuntu to help you with this issue. Sorry for the inconvinience.

    #298958 Reply

    Matt Bucknam

    I have been using MyEclipse for years too and just recently upgraded to Ubuntu 9.0.4 and MyEclipse is mostly working. My only problem currently is the internal browser does not work. I seem to recall I was able to hack it together in Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS by doing some funky stuff with xulrunner but that caused Firefox to behave strangely so I didn’t like it. I would be interested in hearing from a MyEclipse Ubuntu tech on what they think will happen with this in the 7.5 upgrade with the xulrunner updates. I don’t even know what xulrunner is. It seems like the dependencies on the OS should be minimized as much as possible since it is, after all, a “Java” based IDE.

    BTW, it looks like 9.0.4 comes with xulrunner but 1.9.1 is available in Synaptic Package Manager.

    #298985 Reply

    I’ ve seen the note for MyEclipse 7.5 M1 .but there’s even the issue on limited support for the ubuntu 8.10 and later.
    In this forum i can see this assertion from ME Staff “We did a full XUL Runner 1.9 update coming in MyEclipse 7.5 which should hopefully correct the Linux compatibility issue for them.”
    Why this issue happen even more also in MyEclipse 7.5 M1 ?

    #298993 Reply

    Latest update:
    I finally got somewhere after a complete reinstall (Linux all in one this time).
    The culprit seems indeed to be the internal web browser: as soon as I open it, I get errors all over the place (cannot create view, NPE etc…)
    The steps that worked for me:
    1) start myeclipse
    2) close the internal browser view
    3) exit and start again (no browser view).
    Thank you mbuckman for the pointer, and you guys at support for your patience.


    #299000 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Awesome. Thanks for letting us know.

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