
UML and J2EE revisited

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  • #234530 Reply


    I was excited to see that the 4.0M3 can reverse engineer a J2EE project. But although in theory if you can reverse engineer it, you can also forward engineer, this capability is not mentioned. So, I wonder, will ME (which version) allow me to design J2EE ejb’s and forward engineer (gen the code) the diagram? (Also writing the DD for any supported server?)
    Also, are there any restrictions with the UML graphics/design on Linux?
    And a releated, off-topic question, does the database designer work on Linux?

    Thank you much.

    #234595 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    But although in theory if you can reverse engineer it, you can also forward engineer, this capability is not mentioned. So, I wonder, will ME (which version) allow me to design J2EE ejb’s and forward engineer (gen the code) the diagram?

    This is big item on our TODO list, but it won’t be looking into, scheduled under 4.0 ships. And we already have so much targetted for 5.0 it’s hard to say if it would be in that release. But we are painfully aware of the need for something like this.

    Also, are there any restrictions with the UML graphics/design on Linux?

    No, just OS X because of an Eclipse SWT Bug.

    And a releated, off-topic question, does the database designer work on Linux?

    Yes, always has. It’s straight EMF/GEF.

    #234601 Reply


    This is big item on our TODO list, but it won’t be looking into, scheduled under 4.0 ships. And we already have so much targetted for 5.0 it’s hard to say if it would be in that release.

    If you have no plans for this even for 5.0(!) then it can’t be tooo much on your TODO list!
    I am just wondering [out loud] since your main customer base is j2ee, how does plain j2se uml fit in? I mean, how and why do ME folks use the uml portion? (Obviously you added uml due to customer demand, but the customers are j2ee folks, no?)
    I am asking this because I might be missing something as to how I can benefit from the uml, if most of my work is with ejb’s.


    #234617 Reply


    Actually we have developer resources committed to maintaining and enhancing the UML feature-set. So our TODO list while very long is dynamic and changes as we see fit to provide the most benefit to the MyEclipse community.

    Let me begin by stating that the term “UML support’ has many different definitions these days. From your questions I assume you don’t view standard UML as being very useful in a J2EE development context. I would claim this is an oversight of the real value of UML since it has been used to successfully model all types of systems from J2EE, DB, business systems, …

    Looking forward MyEclipse-UML is the first step in the modeling dimension as ME continues to grow into a full enterprise workbench (that is our vision) and MyEclipse-UML is a prerequisite for MyEclpse-MDA/J2EE.

    0) What J2EE features do you expect?
    1) Are you using a J2EE UML tool now?
    1a) If yes what is its cost per developer and how effective/productive are you with it?

    #234627 Reply


    since it has been used to successfully model all types of systems from J2EE, DB, business systems, …

    Modeling – yes. But we need round-trip engineering. Without roundtripping, I would only model ‘lightly’ without defining all methods and field in the model.

    0) What J2EE features do you expect?
    1) Are you using a J2EE UML tool now?
    1a) If yes what is its cost per developer and how effective/productive are you with it?

    First let me say, that I am/was deeply rooted in Eclipse, which has sort of kept me from looking at solutions that are based on other ide’s, but since lately many ide’s are pretty good, a solid uml tool will make me jump ship.

    0) a) The ability to model entity (cmp2.x) beans, along with the standard ejb methods and business methods, with their relationships. b) Session and mdb beans. And MAINLY to forward engineer the design to produce all interfaces (and value objects) along with a server specific DD. (without the need to set xdoclet properties!) c) Synch code changes with the model.

    1) Yes. JDeveloper for j2ee uml forward-enginering only. It costs $0.00, zero. BUT, since Eclipse is a better IDE I have a rigamero of fun to synch my code between JDeveloper and Eclipse. (I also use(d) JDev for JSF gui design on Linux.) Also, it does not do 100% job for the JBoss DD, but is workable. (If JDev will be more solid in the base ide, I might switch.)

    Hope you find this info useful.
    ps. I do not buy the ‘ejb 3.0 is almost here’ argument. Even though jboss-ide makes it sound like it, it is at least 18 months away for production level stuff, imho.

    #234689 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    And a releated, off-topic question, does the database designer work on Linux?

    Yes, always has. It’s straight EMF/GEF.

    database designer? I havent seen that on the roadmap. Where is it mentioned? Is it contained in any milestone?


    #234691 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    database designer? I havent seen that on the roadmap. Where is it mentioned? Is it contained in any milestone?

    Please see the Database Explorer quickstart here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/images/tutorials/quickstarts/dbexplorer/

    #234695 Reply


    yeah, thats the designer from 3.8.3, which is described as “The ER-Designer for MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 3.8.3 is the initial public version and its features are limited to providing a visual model of existing databases”.

    Is this going to change, and in what respect and when?


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