
UML Modeler, Activity Diagram Editor

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  • #230480 Reply

    1. I can’t seem to delete associations (add 2 items, drag association from one to another, then select that association and press Delete).

    2. When a junction or association has a name, the name is not displayed. I’d like to see this text shown at the top-right corner flowing to the right of the junction and the just the middle of the association (like the class diagram).

    3. “Junction” doesn’t seem to be appropriate for this, my preference would be something like “decision node” or something like that. Obviously, this is just my preference and doesn’t really matter that much 🙂

    4. Multi-line activities seem to have a blank line between each line (add an activity, double-click the activity, type “Hello<enter>World”, click on the background of the diagram).

    #230499 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’ve sent this all to our UML dev, he’s looking over them.

    #260818 Reply


    I would also like to see this happen. It doesn’t seem that anything happened with this since the first user asked in Feb 2005.

    Most UML editors I have used show the text for a decision node. He is asle correct, they are usually called decision nodes.

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