
UML Sequence Diagrams

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  • #249622 Reply


    We are just starting to use the UML features of MyEclipse and our biggest need is the sequence diagrams. Can you let me know when the sequence diagrams will allow drag-and-drop of classes? This is our biggest show-stopper from switching our development team from WSAD to MyEclipse.


    #249643 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    Currently our Sequence Diagrams are more for documentation of ideas and they arent hooked up to any code generation, reverse-engineering systems. We dont have DnD support planned ATM but we appreciate your suggestions and will keep them in mind when we decide on the future feature set additions.

    #250654 Reply

    I just had to pick myself up off the floor. What do you mean no Dnd support planned? Are you at least planning on adding code generation and reverse-engineering?

    #250684 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    Well, ATM its not an high priority item for us. If more users demand it we will certainly look into it.

    #251523 Reply


    Right now I am evaluating which tool to buy for our company. There really is no differnce (in our opinoin) between argoUML (free) and your plugin other than by using your tool we can do everythníng in the same IDE. One major point in my decision is the interaction between diagrams. The other has to do with the code generation but I’ll adress that in elsewhere. BTW,

    GrimShieldsson wrote:
    Are you at least planning on adding code generation and reverse-engineering?

    The latest version of Myeclipse handles that.

    Back to the topic. Not being able to use classes and methods that I have already created in the Seq Dia makes more work. Now I have to ‘create’ it twice. And the purpose of using a tool like yours is too save time, not to waste it.

    support-kapil wrote:
    Well, ATM its not an high priority item for us. If more users demand it we will certainly look into it.

    You do let the pubilc review your product. It is quite possible that the user that would ‘demand’ this functionality find a difernet tool that does.

    #251524 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    @ericmichael wrote:

    Right now I am evaluating which tool to buy for our company. There really is no differnce (in our opinoin) between argoUML (free) and your plugin other than by using your tool we can do everythníng in the same IDE. One major point in my decision is the interaction between diagrams. The other has to do with the code generation but I’ll adress that in elsewhere. BTW,

    GrimShieldsson wrote:
    Are you at least planning on adding code generation and reverse-engineering?

    The latest version of Myeclipse handles that.

    Back to the topic. Not being able to use classes and methods that I have already created in the Seq Dia makes more work. Now I have to ‘create’ it twice. And the purpose of using a tool like yours is too save time, not to waste it.

    support-kapil wrote:
    Well, ATM its not an high priority item for us. If more users demand it we will certainly look into it.

    You do let the pubilc review your product. It is quite possible that the user that would ‘demand’ this functionality find a difernet tool that does.

    The earlier poster was refering to codegen and reveng from “Sequence Diagrams”. You make a good point that a user would simply not choose our product rather than demand and wait for us to implement it. The demand part is usually from existing users who would like to see more enhancements added to it :). We decide on a set of base features that we think users will find usefull;make them more productive and let the user demand (and our research) guide our TODO List.

    #253131 Reply

    I, for one, would find drag-n-drop into sequence diagrams tremendously useful, if for no other reason than to generate the right stereotypes in the objects represented. I agree that strong coupling between the project classes and the objects represented in the sequence would be a problem, but making the information on class name and available methods would speed modeling and remove ambiguity when I hand a model off to a developer to finish the implementation.

    #253509 Reply


    If you’re waiting for users to “demand it”, then consider it demanded. Our team has started using MyEclipse after leaving RAD and one of the BIGGEST complaints is that it doesn’t support DnD onto a sequence diagram. I can’t think of a development environment where this wouldn’t only be useful, but be required. I had hoped that M1 of 5.0 would have it (and thought it did from one of the “ads” that flashed on screen when installing), but am very disapponted to see that it doesn’t.

    #254783 Reply


    I want to specify which class an object in a sequence diagram. I also want to be specify the methods used for the messages shown in sequence diagrams. I want to be able to do this by selecting methods already defined in the received objects class type and be having the diagram generate new method stubs including argument and return type. This is the reason I decided to evaluate MyEclipse. I support the other forum members in showing their demand for DnD on sequence diagrams although I am not concerned about how specifying the class of an object is acheived.

    #255260 Reply


    This message has not been recovered.

    #255854 Reply


    Agreed. This, unfortunately, is enough of a nuisance that I won’t be buying it. Hopefully this will be addressed shortly – I really like myeclipse otherwise.

    #256881 Reply


    I would also like to see more ease of use features in the sequence diagrams, code gen is a 2nd priority for me (for now :-). Having Sequence diagrams aware of existing classes in the Java Source or class diagrams would be a great design and documentation tool.

    #256929 Reply

    Has this DnD feature been added to a required feature list? If so have you any timeframe in which it will be developed?

    #258560 Reply


    Agree, the lack of integration of the object model to the sequence diagrammer is a showstopper for us. Love the interface, but… guess we’re still stuck with Rational software modeler and all it’s flaws.

    #259536 Reply


    Add my voice to the Sequence Diagram, Drag and Drop requirement.

    Also will back up the person earlier who stated once DnD is in place you will then need to be able to select a method from the class to show on the interaction line.

    Also the ability then to add a new method and auto gen the subs for it and the calling between each componet.

    Would be very useful to have a reverse engineering function as well as this week I had to demo a prototype that I’d put together for which I hadn’t created up front the sequence diagrams. It would have saved me a lot of time if I could have generated the Sequence diagrams from the code.

    Hope to see this in a version soon.


    Mark Thomas

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