
Unable to add external jar required during run time

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  • #316982 Reply


    Hi, I am using trail version of MyEclipse Blue.
    I have deployed a web application in Web sphere 7.0 via My eclipse.
    application requires an external jar which i placed in …\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer1\lib

    While running the application i am getting class not found exception
    Exception is ;java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver

    I placed the correct jar only.

    I am not sure the place i have kept the jar is correct. I need to know how to add external jars which are required during run time of the application.
    Your help will be greatly appreciated.


    #317000 Reply



    1) You can add the jar to the java build path. Here is a thread which outlines the methods in Eclipse. Follow the same for MyEclipse :

    2) You can also add the one or more external jars as dependent java project to your EAR. Here is a thread which discusses it.

    3) If you want to add the jar to the Websphere path then have a look at this thread :

    Let me know how this works for you.

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