- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 5 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
waseemMemberHi iam able to deploy and run servlet and jsps(HelloWorldServlet and HelloWorld.jsp as per the tutorial) properly.But when iam trying to debug them iam getting problems.
1. When iam setting breakpoints on suggested lines and calling the servlet from the browser i could not see anything in the Variables window. Its totally blank .It seems that the servlet suspends and hangs there.
2. When iam clicking a line for setting a breakpoints .Iam getting a icon other then the normal spherical icon .
3. In debug perspective iam unable to get the options as shown in the tutorials.eg toggle ,step over etc.I could only see Variables and Details window which are totally blank.
Can you please tell me where I had made mistake.
Can you provide us your basic environment info:
MyEclipse version?
Eclipse version?
Other plugins installed?
Appserver and version?
Deployment method (packaged, exploded, custom Ant, …)2. When iam clicking a line for setting a breakpoints .Iam getting a icon other then the normal spherical icon .
Please describe the debug image you are seeing.
MyEclipse Support
waseemMemberHi thanks for prompt reply. Here is my environment info.
OS :- Windows 2000
MyEclipse version :- EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_020602
Eclipse version :- 2.1.1
Other plugins installed :- Earlier i installed Sysdeo Tomcat Launcher bur later removed it.
Appserver and version :- Tomcat 5.0.12
Deployment method :- As shown in MyEclipse tutorial for deploying HelloWorldServlet.java and helloWorld.jsp
Iam getting a spherical icon with a small projection at the bottom left.
Thanks .
Scott AndersonParticipantWaseem,
The problem your experiencing has been seen before when running old versions of JDK 1.3.1 to launch Tomcat. Please try launching it with JDK 1.4.2 and see if this resolves the issue.
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