
unable to deploy ear application to websphere server

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  • #291313 Reply

    Dear guys,
    I’m trying to deploy ear application into websphere from myeclipse, when I deploy it
    The applications files are copied into websphere but i’m getting error message unable to deploy ear application to websphere server .
    At t he same time when I export my application as a ear file and deploy it from websphere admin conosol the application is deployed and run successfully

    do you have any idea regarding the same?

    i’m using websphere and myeclipse 6.5
    Thanks for your support

    #291329 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Is there any other information that you can give me about the error? Is there any information recorded under <workspace>/.metadata/.log file?

    #291392 Reply

    i check the file it is empty file

    #291402 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Are you working with MyEclipse Blue? Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for me.

    #291434 Reply

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.5.0_11

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Blue Edition
    Version: 6.5.1 Blue GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-Blue-GA-20080715

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Blue Edition

    Version: 6.5.1 Blue GA
    Build id: 6.5.1-Blue-GA-20080715

    thanks for your interest

    #291589 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    When the deployment fails can you right-click (in the server view) on the server or the deployment itself and select “Deployment Log” and copy and paste the contents here for us to evaluate?

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