
unable to locate .faces-config.mex

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  • #254199 Reply


    Sometimes after I have shut eclipse down and re-entered.
    I click on the faces-config.xml file and get a dialog box that contains a message indicating that it can not locate the file with the extension .faces-config.mex and will have to re-do the mapping.

    It brings up the faces-config file, but everything is pretty much piled on top of everything else.
    I layout the mapping so I can work with it during the session.
    Save the file before quitting eclipse,

    and then when I open I start the process again.

    From configuration summary:

    *** Date: Wed Jul 05 13:00:27 EDT 2006

    *** System properties:
    OS version=2.6.12-10-386
    Java version=1.5.0_05

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 5.0 Milestone 1
    Build id: 20060515-5.0-M1

    *** Eclipse details:
    Eclipse SDK

    Version: 3.2.0
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.2.0.v20060602-0010-_OZ2h-8eOaU1uKq
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.2.0.v20060602-0010-F7snq0fulF-UQcP
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.2.0.v20060404-uDfm0S6NTspEZqy
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.2.0.v20060602-0010-VDNgVdItGFMTNJo
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.2.0.v20060602-0010-6zXJJzJvOWpFYED
    Build id: I20060602-1317

    Eclipse startup command=-os



    #254223 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thanks for the report. Do you happen to know which release (Milestone? RC? GA?) of Eclipse 3.2 you are using? Also is this project under source control by chance? If so, which one? Have you checked the .mex file into source control? Do you frequently use update or replace operations with the repository version in which case the contents of the folder may be culled to match the repository version (and kill off the .mex file)?

    #254229 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    A few additional notes. The .faces-config.mex file is stored at the same directory level as your faces-config.xml file. Could you clear your error log, (or just observe closely) for any errors that might appear in it when you actually save your faces-config.xml file?
    Also, you should be able to layout the diagram automatically using the Auto Layout option from the View menu.


    #254247 Reply


    Riyad and Brian,
    Thanks for the responses.
    1) RC7
    2) No, I am not using any source control at this time.
    3) So I started eclipse this morning and and clicked on the faces-config.xml no problem, the .mex file is apparently found.
    4) So I looked at the log and found this from yesterday when I had the probelm:

      !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.jsf 1 0 2006-07-05 11:38:10.827
      !MESSAGE Creating mex file: .faces-config.mex

    5) In looking at the log, I find one of these for every time I starte eclipse:

      !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.core.resources 4 368 2006-07-06 09:11:34.034
      !MESSAGE Resource /capitalVision/WebRoot/WEB-INF/web.xml does not exist.

    Interestingly enough, I’ve got a web.xml file, and it is at the exact same location listed above with the eception of the web-inf being in lower case versus upper case. I wonder if this is related to problems that I had in the 4.1 version of MyEclipse where I had case naming problems with libraries which I reported here:




    #254250 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm web-inf shouldn’t be lower case, and on linux it is case sensative, so that could cause a problem. Was this project checked out from source control or created on your local machine?

    #254259 Reply


    No source control has been used. I created this project in a new fresh workspace that I created for Eclipse 32. Basically I created a MyEclipse Web project, then added hibernate and then JSF. Then I started creating backing beans and reverse engineering to hibernate from a postgresql database.


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