
unable to see all error messages in Problems window

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  • #229448 Reply


    I have got nearly 11000 errors in problem wipdow,but im not able to see all those.As its showing

    “There are too many items to display.
    to see all items set the filter setting”.

    even i tried to set filter setting to 500errors each time.still its not responding anything.

    #229449 Reply


    lipika rout

    #229450 Reply


    plz respond early

    #229456 Reply

    Thomas Trostel

    If you have more than one project open at a time the problem window will show you the problems for all of them. Sometimes when working on projects I unload all the other ones so the field is more limited. Not sure if that helps but if it does great!

    Tom (fellow developer and creator of errors)

    #229458 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev, not ME related.

    On a side note, I would suggest that you start fixing some of those errors =)

    Besides that Tom is right, hit the down arrow in the top right corner of the problems view, and adjust the filtering of the errors to only be freom the “Current project”, that can help a lot.

    #229518 Reply


    I am created only one project.working in one project only……..even im setting error msg 100 each time its not displaying anything al all……….

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