- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years, 4 months ago by
PredatorVIMemberI hope my frustration doesn’t come out but Maven integration is driving me mad in MyEclipse 10.6 (or eclipse in general).
We recently converted our entire project base to modularized maven projects and have been limping along without any of the m2e connectors in MyEclpse (that I could find) because of this issue I need to resolve.
In another thread it was suggested to make sure m2e-wtp is installed, but I can’t get the darned thing installed. I have a fresh install of MyEclipse 10.6 using a clean work space.
When I import the “Existing Maven Project…” and get to the connector selection page, I change the “Packaging war” action from “Resolve Later” to “Install m2eclipse-wtp” and click “Finish”.
After a bit, it prompts me with an “Install” dialog showing the “Maven Integration for WTP” version already selected and the “Next >” button highlighted. Clicking next does nothing.
I finally realized that if I select the plugin, it said there was a missing dependency on SLF4J. I finally installed the SLF4J logger and the m2e slf4j logback connector (Optional–not) and went back and attempted to install the m2e-wtp connector again.
Now it says there is a conflict:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Maven Integration for WTP (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature.feature.group
Software currently installed: MyEclipse 10 (Profile) (com.poweredbypulse.profile-3352180-rmb-4344242
Only one of the following can be installed at once:
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP 0.13.1.me201110301321 (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp 0.13.1.me201110301321)
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP 0.13.1.me201205290158 (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp 0.13.1.me201205290158)
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp
Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP 0.13.1.me201203141935 (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp 0.13.1.me201203141935)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Support for MyEclipse 10.0.0.me201110311918 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.maven.feature.group 10.0.0.me201110311918)
To: org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp [0.13.1.me201110301321]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Support for MyEclipse 10.1.0.me201203170059 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.maven.feature.group 10.1.0.me201203170059)
To: org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp [0.13.1.me201203141935]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Support for MyEclipse 10.5.0.me201206141911 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.maven.feature.group 10.5.0.me201206141911)
To: org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp [0.13.1.me201205290158]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Support for MyEclipse 10.6.0.me201207261914 (com.genuitec.myeclipse.maven.feature.group 10.6.0.me201207261914)
To: org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp [0.13.1.me201205290158]
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: MyEclipse 10 (Profile) (com.poweredbypulse.profile-3352180-rmb-4344242
To: com.genuitec.myeclipse.maven.feature.group [7.9.100,11.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Maven Integration for WTP (org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature.feature.group
To: org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp []How do I get around this? I don’t even understand how I got into this state with a clean install….
Please help….:(
I’m sorry you’re seeing this issue though I’m not quite sure why you’re trying to install m2e-wtp. All of the functionality should already be in MyEclipse unless you don’t have the Professional edition.
Please let us know what edition you’re using. If it’s professional edition, try importing but leaving the Resolve Later setting as-is. If you’re using standard edition, then there may be some conflicts with trying to install m2e-wtp on top of MyEclipse. In this case, you could try removing Maven Support for MyEclipse, from the MyEclipse Configuration Center. You may then need to install m2e, from eclipse, as well as m2e-wtp.
Also, could you provide a link to the other thread that you mentioned?
PredatorVIMemberCrud…that is probably it. I normally don’t use Eclipse though I did have a Pro subscription when I initially started at my company.
I converted our system to Maven and use other IDE’s, but many of my team members at my company are still using MyEclipse 10.6 Pro and are having Maven issues and I am attempting to help them so I downloaded and installed it.
We recently enabled Enunciate in one of our Maven projects to generate documentation at build time. As part of the build, Enunciate constructs the final web.xml which is put into the WAR.
However, when running / debugging the project in MyEclipse, the final web.xml doesn’t seem to be used for the running service and thus the service doesn’t work. Someone in the main Eclipse mailing list suggested to make sure m2e-wtp is installed/configured. I have been playing with Eclipse 4.2.1 Juno and have had some success, but we really hadn’t used the ‘connectors” before due to other issues so I am trying to experiment with them so our Dev’s don’t have to spend the time.
So with MyEclipse (trial?), I tried importing our Maven project and selecting the connectors needed. The option shown was to install the connectors for each plugin or there were a couple of options to ignore in POM or Parent.
When I tried selecting the install option, I got the issue described.
I’ll go back to the regular Eclipse version…ugh.
If you have the trial version then that is equivalent to the Pro edition for the length of the trial license. So you don’t need to install any connectors (other than connectors for SCMs, like CVS and SVN). Did you try importing a maven project without changing the “resolve later” options? Your maven project should then just work with MyEclipse. However, note that MyEclipse doesn’t actually run a maven build as part of its ongoing incremental build or as part of its deployment. You can, though, run maven build from the Run As context menu item on a project.
I hope this helps.