
Unable to set TFS maven project buildpath

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  • #338730 Reply

    Im importing maven project from TFS.
    like import -> TFS -> share project
    Im unable to set the buildpath for the project.
    whenever im trying to edit any java file it is showing that “No Compilation Unit is on the buildpath of the java project”
    How to set buildpath for TFS maven project?
    Is there any other way to import maven proejct.Pls let me know.
    Myeclipse verion is 10.


    #338734 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please take a look at this thread which also discusses working with TFS Maven projects and see how the suggestion works for you ?

    Switch to a new workspace and try importing the project as suggested in the above link and see if the issue persists. Ensure that the project *is* a Java project and not just a Project.

    Let us know how it works for you.

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