
Unable to use MyEclipse UML pulgin

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  • #231355 Reply


    I have installed Eclipse 3.0.2 and MyEclipse 3.8.4. But I’m not getting top level menu ‘UML’.

    Please let me know how to configure MyEclipse UML in MyEclipse IDE. Do I need to download MyEclipse UML from some site ?


    #231359 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    The UML capabilities are available in or release 4.0 developmental milestone build which is in the Downloads section under ‘Development Releases’. To try it out, please use a fresh install of Eclipse 3.0.2, not one that is already associated with 3.8.4, to avoid any conflict or confustion. For production use, we still recommend 3.8.4, since 4.0 is still in development. However, we would encourage you to give it a try and provide feedback to us in the “All 4.0 Milestone Questions” forum.

    Also, in the next day or two, we’ll have a new milestone available, 4.0M2, that will contain several bug fixes and many new features over the 4.0M1 release. If you don’t want to wait, you can give M1 a try now and then use the update site (once M2 is available) to update your installation.

    #231528 Reply


    Thanks Scott. I can draw diagram using 4.0M1 release. 🙂

    I’m using JBOSS as my application server. Is there any JBOSS IDE plugin available with MyEclipse ?

    #231543 Reply


    We don’t bundle any of the JBossIDE plugins directly in MyEclipse. However, we have extended and enhanced many of the available JBoss IDE features into MyEclipse like XDoclet configuration/generation, XDoclet tag code assist, and EJB wizards. Which JBossIDE feature were you interested in specifically?

    #232181 Reply

    Niraj Juneja

    IS 4.0M Stable ????

    #232188 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    So far we have had over 12k downloads in the last day and no major reports, so yes it seems to be. Some of the new features are not complete yet though.

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