
Unable to view the default classes folder in the /WEB-INF

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  • #233129 Reply

    – System Setup ——————————-
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    Eclipse version: 3.1.0
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    Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): y
    If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?
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    Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*:
    MyEclipse version: 4.0
    Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.02
    Application Server JDK version:
    Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file?

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    Eclipse error logs related to com.genuitec.eclipse.sqlexplorer packages:

    – Message Body ——————————-

    I’m not able view the classes the folded in /Project/WebRoot/WEB-INF/ , but then i’m able to view the classes folder in window explorer. I have a file in the /Project/src folder when build automatically is set, i’m not able view the class file in the default classes folder.


    #233145 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is the default behavior of the package view in Eclipse, you can see your files in the Navigator View, they are not meant to be seen from the Package View.

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