
undeployment failure

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  • #224735 Reply


    Since some days, the undeployment procedure doesn’t work properly. Undeployment failure on Tomcat 5. The directory Web-Inf or Web-Inf/lib can’t be deleted, although I stopped Tomcat before. There aren’t any files anymore, only the directory web-inf or web-inf/lib.
    I always have to restart the computer to be able to redeploy the application.

    #224742 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This certainly sounds strange. When this failure happens, have you ever tried to use Windows Explorer (or other file browser) to delete the directory? Does it work or does that fail as well?

    I wonder if a stalled process is still locking those directories… for example when you “shutdown” Tomcat, it might actually be crashing and leaving a Zombie thread, or not shutting down correctly. Or another process (Spyware, Virus, Virus Scanner, etc.) might be locking the directories.

    #224888 Reply


    This has happened to me with Jetty 4.2.20 as well. I actually deleted the directories manually by accident before running the undeployment proc and got the error messages below.

    #224917 Reply


    i can’t delete them manually with the windows explorer – file is in use, it says.

    Yesterday the deployment worked without any problems, but now, I have the same problem again and restarted windows at least 10 times! But the problem is still there, after the first deployment, it can’t redeploy – files are in use.

    #224921 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    i can’t delete them manually with the windows explorer – file is in use, it says.

    You are going to need to figure out what is using the files. If you were trying to do this WHILE your application server was running, then I would understand why it is locking the files and not letting you erase the dir. This has nothing to do with MyEclipse.

    If you installed Tomcat yourself, I have a feeling you might have used the EXE installer, which also installs a Windows system service which LIKELY is running on startup, so your app server is probably running while you are trying to erase the dir.

    Next time you “shut down” your app server, try and connect to it with http://localhost:8080 and see if it replies, if it does, then it is still running and you didn’t actually shut it down correctly.

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