
Unresolved bundle reference in ME 6.5M1

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  • #284938 Reply

    Heinz Drews

    I hope this is the proper place to report problems wit 6.5M1.

    I have difficulties to lauch RCP applications, the bundles
    import package com.ibm.icu.text but the dependency is not resolved.

    The bundle com.ibm.icu.text exists but it seems that it does no export the package.
    It is even available 3 times:
    {ME6.5M1 path}/eclipse/plugins
    21.02.2008 21:18 4.072.434 com.ibm.icu_3.6.1.v20070906.jar
    {ME6.5M1 path}/myeclipse/eclipse/plugins
    09.05.2008 20:16 4.113.258 com.ibm.icu_3.6.1.v20070906.jar
    {ME6.5M1 path}/myeclipse/eclipse/plugins/com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting_6.0.3.zmyeclipse64100200805/data/2.2
    12.05.2008 23:50 4.049.995 com.ibm.icu_3.6.1.v20070417.jar

    Independent of the problem, a little cleanup would be nice, it is not the smallest jar.
    And having two jars with same name but different size and file date does not sound good.

    #284940 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I want to try and reproduce this on my end. Is there a simple test case or simple plugin project setup that will allow me to see this quickly that you can recommend?

    #284948 Reply

    Heinz Drews


    I was just getting back to say that a fresh workspace was the solution.
    The workspace I had created under 6.0.1GA had this glitch.

    #284949 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad you sorted out the issue. Thanks for letting me know.

    #284953 Reply

    Heinz Drews

    I found another way to correct:
    In Window->Preferences->Plug-in Development->Target Platform I have pressed “Load Target” and then “Apply”

    The original workspace is also usable again.

    #285183 Reply


    which version of eclipse did you use ? 3.3 or 3.4 ?

    #285193 Reply

    Heinz Drews

    I have used the Eclipse 3.3 which is installed by the full stack delivery of 6.5 M1.

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